Anthropology Student to Study in Germany Through Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship

The FEA's University Studies Abroad Consortium scholarship will support Boeding, an anthropology major and German minor, in studying abroad for the 2024-2025 academic year in Lüneburg, Germany.
“Receiving this scholarship means that I have finally convinced people that I can study abroad,” said Boeding. “It took a long time to prove to myself and my family that I would be able to afford studying abroad. It also means that my writing skills have greatly improved. I used to enjoy writing a lot when I was younger and knowing that I’ve improved has given me some motivation to write things for myself again.”
A first-generation college student from Kimball, South Dakota, Boeding is excited about all the new opportunities awaiting them in Germany.
“I’ve been really excited about just existing in Germany and taking the time to soak up the culture,” said Boeding. “I hope to become fluent in German, make some new friends and master the public transportation system. I also want to learn what kind of a person I am when not around any of my friends or family and what it’s like to live independently.”
On campus, Boeding has been involved in The SOUND of USD, Games Weekly and Deutschklub. They credit these opportunities, as well as classroom experiences and mentorship from faculty, for helping them secure this impactful scholarship.
“I’ve had a lot of writing classes and assignments, which have greatly improved my writing skills,” said Boeding. “I’ve also met many great people who have encouraged me to study abroad despite not being able to without help from scholarships and grants.
“I would like to thank graduate student Hser Lar Kpaw Htoo and TRIO faculty Kishna Mastel and Carol VossWard for reading over my essays for various applications,” they continued. “Also, my TRIO advisor Trevor Mandernach and my study abroad advisor Jessica Winterringer for generally supporting me throughout my study abroad preparations, as well as a nod toward duncan barlow for making me really think about my writing skills and helping me improve my creative writing, which I feel was an integral part of why I was selected for this scholarship.”
After finishing their undergraduate degree at USD, Boeding hopes to apply for graduate school and live in Germany.
“This scholarship will help me fund my initial study abroad, which gives me access to search for graduate programs and see how much I like living in Germany,” said Boeding. “Also, FEA has a lot of events and resources for their alumni after they complete their study abroad programs, which I look forward to joining.”
While studying in Germany, Boeding will write journal entries about their experiences on the FEA website. Keep up with Boeding’s blog here.