USD Music Students Win Several Top Prizes at State Competitions
Participating universities included USD, South Dakota State University, Black Hills State University, Northern State University and Augustana University.
First place winners in the state Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) competitions will advance to the West Central regional level competition to be held virtually in January.
The following USD students won prizes in their respective divisions:
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
Young Artist in Piano
- First Place: Rebecca Kelley, sophomore piano performance major, from Vermillion, South Dakota, student of Alessandra Feris, DM
- Second Place: Marcello Ratzkowski, graduate piano performance major, from Porto Alegre, Brazil, student of Feris
- Honorable Mention: Henrique Fortunato, graduate piano performance major from Florianopolis, Brazil, student of Feris
- First Place: Kelsey Huxman, graduate vocal performance major, from Wichita, Kansas, student of Tracelyn Gesteland, DMA
Young Artist in Strings
- First Place: Rachel Bozonie, junior cello performance/music education major, from Storm Lake, Iowa, student of Sonja Kraus, DM
Young Artist in Woodwinds
- First Place: JoAnne Lundahl, graduate clarinet performance major, Wakefield, Nebraska, student of Luis Viquez, DMA
Young Artist in Composition
- First Place: Anna Klocke, senior clarinet performance/ music dducation major, Tea, South Dakota, student of Paul Lombardi, Ph.D.
- Honorable Mention: Kate Huntimer, senior flute performance major, Brandon, South Dakota, student of Lombardi
South Dakota Music Teachers Association (SDMTA)
Collegiate Piano
- Second Place: Ian Kocher, sophomore piano performance/oboe performance major, Vermillion, South Dakota, student of Feris
- Honorable Mention: Alexis Ung, freshman piano performance major, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, student of Feris
Collegiate Voice II (Junior/Senior)
- First Place: Katelyn Privett, junior music education major, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, student of Gesteland
- Second Place (tie): Margaret Meierhenry, senior musical arts major, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, student of Gesteland
- Honorable Mention: Denisse Balandran, senior vocal performance major, Storm Lake, Iowa, student of Gesteland
- Honorable Mention: Brian Shirley, junior musical arts/business major, Rapid City, South Dakota, student of Gesteland
Collegiate Voice I (Freshman/Sophomore)
- Second Place: Maleah Wright, sophomore music education major, Kearney, Nebraska, student of Gesteland
Collegiate Strings
- First Place: Grace Goeller, freshman cello performance major, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, student of Kraus
- Second Place: Emily Weisenburger, sophomore music education major, Tea, South Dakota, student of Kraus
Collegiate Woodwinds
- First Place: Jadyn Baumann,senior clarinet performance/music education major, Okoboji, Iowa, student of Viquez
- Second Place: Kylie Weier, junior communication disorders/speech pathology major, Algona, Iowa, student of Viquez
- Honorable Mention: Bailey Nielsen,junior clarinet performance/violin performance/music education major, Yankton, South Dakota, student of Viquez
The MTNA national student competitions are among the most prestigious student competitions in the country. The purpose of the MTNA competitions is to provide educational experiences for students and teachers and to recognize exceptionally talented young artists and their teachers in pursuit of musical excellence. The three-tiered competitions begin with state competitions, and the winners of each state’s competitions advance to a regional division competition. Division winners compete in the national finals at the annual MTNA National Conference.
SDMTA is an affiliate of Music Teachers National Association. SDMTA competitions provide opportunities for musical growth for member teachers and their students through recognition of high-performance standards. The SDMTA competition is separate from the MTNA competition, but they are held concurrently at the state conference.