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- Charles Lubbers Ph.D.
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I am a professor of public relations and advertising and have held leadership positions in the two largest groups of PR educators. I taught at Kansas State for 14 years and here since 2005.
Public relations, Advertising, Integrated Marketing Communication, Research Methods, and Mass Communication Business Communication
Pedagogy issues in Public Relations and Advertising education PR/Ad/Marketing activities as they relate to the entertainment industries: travel & tourism, sports and movies, in particular.
- Ph D, Communication studies - Organiz. & Mass Comm, University of Nebraska, 1992
- MA, Speech Communication, South Dakota State University, 1984
- BS, Political Science, South Dakota State University, 1982
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Lubbers, Charles, Davis, Deborah, George, Amiso , Still, M. , and Bacon, V. . Are we speaking their language: The presence of content important to Gen Z in entry-level PR job advertisements. . In Journal of Public Relations Education, 47-78. Vol. 10, Iss. 1 Journal of Public Relations Education, 2024.
- Kemp, Landon, and Lubbers, Charles. A study of verbal rumination, relationships, stress, and identity on health communication in collegiate athletics. . In The Proceedings of the 2024 International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 36. Iss. 2024 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2024.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Costello, Lori. These aren’t their parents’ priorities: Generation Z’s priorities for employers and workplaces. . In The Proceedings of the 2024 International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 38. Iss. 2024 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2024.
- Lubbers, Charles, D'Angelo , Anthony W., Davis , Debbie , George , Amiso, Gregory , Anne , Phair , Judy , and Sample , Kim . The Future of the Public Relations Workplace. In Navigating Change: Recommendations for Advancing Undergraduate Public Relations Education, editors Elizabeth Toth and Pamela Bourland-Davis, 22-34. Commission on Public Relations Education, 2023.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Rahman, Mokhlisur. Correlation of motivations to view Facebook video advertisements with willingness to view future advertisements. In The Proceedings of the 2023 International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 4. Iss. 2023 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2023.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Costello, Lori. Generation Z attitudes toward their job search skills and the value of job search websites. . In The Proceedings of the 2023 International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 12. Iss. 2023 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2023.
- Joyce, Teddi, Lubbers, Charles, and Miller, Kyle J.. Love is in the app: Gen-Z use and perception of dating apps., Editors Margaret Goralyski, 33-48. Vol. 9, Iss. 1 Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 2022.
- Lubbers, Charles. University Student Perceptions of the Importance of Community Cultural Associations and Suggestions for Marketing. In The Proceedings of the 2022 International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 38. Iss. 2022 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2022.
- Lubbers, Charles A.. Review of the book Business acumen for strategic communicators: A primer, by M. W. Ragas, & R. Culp., Editors Pamela Bourland-Davis, 180-186. Vol. 8, Iss. 1 Journal of Public Relations Education, 2022. (DOI: 10.1108/9781838676599)
- Delgado, Brookney A., and Lubbers, Charles. How Employee Perceptions of Leader’s Interpersonal Communication Competence Correlates with Job Satisfaction and Motivation. In The Proceedings of the 2021 International Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 31. Iss. 2021 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2021.
- Delgado, Brookney, and Lubbers, Charles. How Employee Perceptions of Leader’s Interpersonal Communication Competence Correlates with Job Satisfaction and Motivation., Editors Margaret Goralyski, 345-365. Vol. 7, Iss. 4 Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 2021.
- Lubbers, Charles, Miller, Kyle, and O'Malley, Michelle M.. Game-Day Experience and Other Factors Influencing Student Attendance at Division I Football Games., Editors Margaret Goralyski, 85-104. Vol. 7, Iss. 2 Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 2020.
- Lubbers, Charles, and O'Malley, Michelle M.. Assessing Factors Influencing Attendance at Division 1 Football Games and Students’ Overall Game Day Experience. In The Proceedings of the 2019 International Academy of Business Disciplines 31st Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 6. Iss. 2019 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2019.
- Lubbers, Charles. Using Semester-Long, Shadowing of Professionals to Enhance Student Learning. In The Proceedings of the 2019 International Academy of Business Disciplines 31st Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher , 54. Iss. 2019 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2019.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Mika, Deborah. User-generated reviews, genre, MPAA rating and time in theater as correlates of movie box-office revenues. In Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, editors Margaret Goralski, 163-182. Vol. 5, Iss. 3 International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2019.
- Lubbers, Charles. Customer Relations. In The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication, editors Robert L Heath and Winni Johansen. Vol. 1, Iss. 1 London: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2018. (DOI: 10.1002/9781119010722)
- Joyce, Teddi, Lubbers, Charles, and O'Malley, Michelle M.. Message Strategies on University Websites: A Comparison of For-Profit and Non-Profit Universities. . In The Proceedings of the 2018 International Academy of Business Disciplines 30th Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 35. Iss. 2018 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2018.
- Mika, Deborah, Lubbers, Charles, and . User-Generated Ratings, Genre, MPAA Rating and Time in Theater Compared to U.S. Motion Picture Box-Office Revenues. . In The Proceedings of the 2018 International Academy of Business Disciplines 30th Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 51. Iss. 2018 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2018.
- Lu, Yuxiao, and Lubbers, Charles. A crisis for KFC in China: A social media crisis communication case study. In The Proceedings of the 2017 International Academy of Business Disciplines 29th Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 11. Iss. 2017 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2017.
- Joyce, Teddi, Lubbers, Charles, and Nutting, Brandon. For-profit and non-profit university advertising: What matters at the alma mater. In The Proceedings of the 2017 International Academy of Business Disciplines 29th Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 21. Iss. 2017 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2017.
- Joyce, Teddi, Lubbers, Charles, Nutting, Brandon, and . Differences in advertising of for-profit and non-profit universities. In Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, editors Margaret Goralski, 317-330. Vol. 3, Iss. 4 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2017.
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles. Promoting America. How do College-Age Millennial Travelers Perceive Terms for Branding the USA?. In Advertising and Branding: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications , 973-989. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2017. (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1793-1.ch044)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Fall, Lisa T.. A comparison of national culture and Good Country Index as predictors of outcomes of effective tourism marketing., Editors Ahmad Tootoonchi, Carolyn Ashe, 43-60. Vol. 5, Iss. 2 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2016.
- Lubbers, Charles, McNamara, Allison, Lu, Yuxiao, and Sifferath, Tanner. A study of organizational responses to major data breaches in the retail & healthcare industries. In Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, editors Margaret Goralski, 101-117. Iss. 2016 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2016.
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles. Promoting America. How do College-Age Millennial Travelers Perceive Terms for Branding the USA?. In City Branding Campaigns and Methods for Promoting Tourist Destinations, editors A. Bayraktar & C. Uslay . Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2016.
- Manik, Didarul I., and Lubbers, Charles. Use of ICT and Traditional Agriculture Information Sources by Bangladeshi Farmers., Editors Margaret A. Goralski, 267-284. Vol. 2, Iss. 4 Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 2016.
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles. Comparison of National Culture and Good Country Index as Predictors of Outcomes of Effective Tourism Marketing. In The Proceedings of the 2016 International Academy of Business Disciplines 28th Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 7. Iss. 2016 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2016.
- Lubbers, Charles, McNamara, Allison, Lu, Yuxiao, and Sifferath, Tanner. Study of Organizational Responses to Major Data Breaches in the Retail and Healthcare Industries. In The Proceedings of the 2016 International Academy of Business Disciplines 28th Annual Conference, editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 46. Iss. 2016 Orem, UT: International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2016.
- Manik, Didarul I., and Lubbers, Charles. Digitization of Agricultural Information in Bangladesh: Use of Online Information by Farmers., Editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 14. Iss. 2015 Orem, UT: The Proceedings of the 2015 International Academy of Business Disciplines 27th Annual Conference, 2015.
- Lubbers, Charles, Jackson, Christina M., and Prinsen, Thomas J.. What Does the Integrated Marketing Communication Trade Literature Say about the Millennial Generation?., Editors John R. Fisher & James E. Weber, p. 48. Iss. 2015 Orem, UT: The Proceedings of the 2015 International Academy of Business Disciplines 27th Annual Conference, 2015.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Joyce, Teddi. Promoting campus activities: Encouraging student participation., Editors M. A. Goralski, 1-14. Vol. 1, Iss. 1 Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 2014.
- Miller, Kyle, and Lubbers, Charles. I’ve graduated…now what? An outlook of employment opportunities in the mass communication industry. . College Media Review, 2014.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Joyce, Teddi. Motivate to participate: promoting campus activities to increase student participation. ., Editors John R. Fisher, 4. Iss. 2014 Vermillion: The Proceedings of the 2014 International Academy of Business Disciplines 26th Annual Conference, 2014.
- Jackson, Christina, and Lubbers, Charles. Can advertisers reach millennials on radio? – Millennial radio preferences., Editors John R. Fisher, 2. Iss. 2014 Vermillion: The Proceedings of the 2014 International Academy of Business Disciplines 26th Annual Conference, 2014.
- Miller, Kyle, and Lubbers, Charles. I've graduated...now what? An outlook of employment opportunities in the mass communication industry. . College Media Review, popular division, 2014.
- Lubbers, Charles, Fall, Lisa T., and Christen, Scott A.. Identification of terms for branding the United States. ., Editors M. A. Goralksi and H. P. LeBlanc , 23-30. Vol. XX, Iss. 1 Beltsville, MD: Business Research Yearbook, 2013.
- Lubbers, Charles, and Joyce, Teddi. The Role of Information Source, Scheduling and Interest in Game Day Activities on Attendance of Collegiate Sporting Events. ., Editors M. A. Goralksi and H. P. LeBlanc , 515-522. Vol. XX, Iss. 2 Beltsville, MD: Business Research Yearbook, 2013.
- Lubbers, Charles. Committee on Public Information. In Encyclopedia of Public Relations, editors Robert L. Heath, 148-150. Vol. 1, Iss. 2nd Ed Los Angeles: Sage Publications Ltd., 2013.
- Lubbers, Charles. Four Minute Men. In Encyclopedia of Public Relations, editors Robert L. Heath, 357-358. Vol. 1, Iss. 2nd Los Angeles: Sage Publications Ltd., 2013.
- Lubbers, Charles, Bourland-Davis, Pamela G., and DeSanto, Barbara. An Exploration of Public Relations Internship Site Supervisors’ Practices., Editors Margaret A. Goralski and H. Paul LeBlanc III, 511-8. Vol. 19, Iss. 2 Beltsville, MD: Business Research Yearbook, 2012.
- Fall, Lisa, and Lubbers, Charles. Illustration by examination: Using segmentation analysis as a public relations research tool to differentiate America’s travelling public. ., Editors M. A. Goralksi, H. P. LeBlanc and M. G. Adams (Eds.). Vol. 8, Iss. 2 PRism, 2011.
- Lubbers, Charles. An assessment of predictors of student peer evaluations of team work in the capstone campaigns course., Editors Maureen Taylor, 492-498. Vol. 37, Iss. 5 Public Relations Review, 2011. (DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.09.013)
- Fall, Lisa, and Lubbers, Charles. Travelers’ Perceptions of Tennessee: It’s a Rocky Top State (of Mind)., Editors M. A. Goralksi, H. P. LeBlanc and M. G. Adams (Eds.), 22-28. Beltsville, MD: Business Research Yearbook, 2011.
- Fall, Lisa , and Lubbers, Charles. Assessing an expanding niche market: Determining how IMC information sources predict participation in agritourism activities among vacation travels. ., Editors Richard Hagle, Managing Editor, 17-28. Vol. 2, Iss. 1 Chicago, IL, Racom Communications: International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 2010.
- Fall, Lisa, and Lubbers, Charles. Travelers’ selection of attractions and activities as compared to preferred IMC communication factors. In Business Research Yearbook, editors R. Oglesby, P. LeBlanc and M. Adams , 42-48. Vol. 17, Iss. 1 Beltsville, MD: International Academy of Business Disciplines and European Academy of Management and Business Economics, 2010.
- President's Appreciation Award for outstanding service, International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2023
- Chuck Lubbers Award, Public Relations Division - Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2017
- Best Paper Award, International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2014
- 2012 PRIDE Award, National Communication Association - Public Relations Division, 2012
- Outstanding Service Award, Journalism & Communication Monographs, 2011
- Leadership Award, AEJMC-Public Relations Division, 2006
- Presidential Citation, Assoc for Educators in Journalism and Mass Comm., 2006
- Best Ethics Paper, International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2004
- Top Paper Award, Public Relations Division, AEJMC, 2003
- Service Award, National Communication Association, 2002
- Palmer Award for Teaching Excellence, Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communication, KSU, 2001
- Top Paper Award, Public Relations Division - AEJMC, 1999
- Top Paper Award, Teaching Standards Committee - AEJMC, 1999
- Top Paper Award, Public Relations Division - AEJMC, 1996
- Lubbers, Charles, Future-Focused: Preparing Students for the PR Industry in a post-pandemic environment. Presented at the 2024 Virtual Conference, Virtual. (March 27, 2024)
- Lubbers, Charles, Meeting Ethics Expectations in PR Education – from standalone classes to AI. Presented at the 2024 Virtual Conference, Virtual. (February 15, 2024)
- Lubbers, Charles, Annual Evaluations, Tenure and Promotion Reviews, and External Reviews – Oh My!. Presented at the 2023 Virtual Conference, Virtual. (February 10, 2023)
- Lubbers, Charles, The Building Business Acumen: Integrating Business Instruction into the Advertising and Public Relations Curriculum for Career Preparation . Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Detroit. (August 03, 2022)
- Lubbers, Charles, Leveraging for tenure and promotion - The ASPIRE workshop: Active strategies for pedagogy in research and education . Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Detroit. (August 02, 2022)
- Lubbers, Charles, Internships and the national accrediting process, as well as the legal and ethical issues associated with unpaid internships. Experiential Learning at the Crossroads: Discussing Critical Internship Issues. Presented at the 2022 Virtual Conference, Virtual. (February 23, 2022)
- Delgado, Brookney, and Lubbers, Charles, How Employee Perceptions of Leader’s Interpersonal Communication Competence Correlates with Job Satisfaction and Motivation. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, Virtual. (March 27, 2021)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Joyce, Teddi, Young Adults Use and Perception of Dating Apps. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, Virtual. (March 26, 2021)
- Lubbers, Charles, Why pedagogy research is important to expanding the scholarly knowledge about teaching public relations. Presented at the 2021 Virutal Conference, Virtual. (January 28, 2021)
- Lubbers, Charles, Pedagogical Research in Public Relations. Presented at the NCA - Annual Conference, Virtual. (November 21, 2020)
- Delgado, Brookney, and Lubbers, Charles, Correlating Employee Perceptions of Leader’s Interpersonal Communication Competence with Job Satisfaction and Motivation.. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, Meeting Cancelled. (April 2020)
- Lubbers, Charles, and O'Malley, Michelle M., Are FCS and FBS students different? Assessing factors influencing attendance at Division 1 football games and students’ overall game day experience. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL. (April 2019)
- Lubbers, Charles, Using semester-long shadowing of professionals to enhance student learning. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL. (April 2019)
- Lubbers, Charles, The challenges of teaching crisis communication in a graduate communication management seminar. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Washington DC. (August 2018)
- Lubbers, Charles, Use of site-supervisor intern evaluation data in program assessment and curriculum development and the role of ACEJMC accrediting standards. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Washington DC. (August 2018)
- Lubbers, Charles, Working with the editor: Is your journal right for me? . Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Washington DC. (August 2018)
- Deborah, Mika, and Lubbers, Charles, User-Generated Ratings, Genre, MPAA Rating and Time in Theater Compared to U.S. Motion Picture Box-Office Revenues.. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, San Francisco. (April 06, 2018)
- Joyce, Teddi, Lubbers, Charles, and O'Malley, Michelle M., Message Strategies on University Websites: A Comparison of For-Profit and Non-Profit Universities. . Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, San Francisco. (April 06, 2018)
- Lubbers, Charles, Path to Publication - Conversation with Editors., Twitter. (August 02, 2017)
- Manik, Didar, and Lubbers, Charles, Contrasting Social Media Use Between U.S. Millennials and Bangladeshi Young-adults. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Chicago. (August 2017)
- Lubbers, Charles, The Key Role of Internship Site Supervisors. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Chicago. (August 2017)
- Lubbers, Charles, Climbing the Career Ladder of Academia. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, New Orleans. (April 08, 2017)
- Lu, Yuxiao, and Lubbers, Charles, A crisis for KFC in China: A social media crisis communication case study.. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, New Orleans. (April 06, 2017)
- Joyce, Teddi, Lubbers, Charles, and Nutting, Brandon, For-profit and Non-profit University Advertising: What Matters at the Alma Mater. Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, New Orleans. (April 06, 2017)
- Lubbers, Charles, Demystifying the Peer-Review Process. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Minneapolis. (August 2016)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Fall, Lisa T., Helping Students to Understand the Critical Role of Consumer Behavior and Related Marketing Concepts. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Minneapolis. (August 2016)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Fall, Lisa T., Promoting America. How do College-Age Millennial Travelers Perceive Terms for Branding the USA. Presented at the AMA Educators' Summer Conference, Atlanta. (August 2016)
- Lubbers, Charles, McNamara, Allison, Lu, Yuxiao, and Sifferath, Tanner, A Study of Organizational Responses to Major Data Breaches in the Retail and Healthcare Industries. Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, Las Vegas. (April 01, 2016)
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles, A Comparison of National Culture and Good Country Index as Predictors of Effective Tourism Marketing. Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, Las Vegas. (March 31, 2016)
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles, Entertainment with Purpose: A Review of Scarecrow Foundation’s Unique Business Model. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, San Francisco. (August 08, 2015)
- Lubbers, Charles, The Impact of DOL Guidelines and Interpretations on Educational Internship Programs and Practices. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, San Francisco. (August 06, 2015)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Fall, Lisa T., Considering Cultural Concepts: Using Anholt’s Good Country Index and Hofstede’s Model of National Cultural Dimensions to Examine Culture as Predictors of Effective Tourism Marketing. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, San Francisco. (August 05, 2015)
- Lubbers, Charles, To Teach or Not to Teach. Presented at the PRSA-2015 Midwest District Conference, Saint Louis, MO. (June 12, 2015)
- Fall, Lisa T., Lubbers, Charles, and Andrews, Amanda D., Application of 21st Century Communication Theory: The Arts and Craft of Parasocial Interaction via a Grass Roots Community Relations Event. Presented at the Southern States Communication Association, Tampa FL. (April 2015)
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles, Consumer Behavior: Enhanced Audience Analysis and Program Planning. Presented at the Southern States Communication Association, Tampa FL. (April 2015)
- Manik, Didarul I., and Lubbers, Charles, The Digitization of Agricultural Information in Bangladesh: Use of Online Information by Farmers. Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, Orlando Fl. (March 28, 2015)
- Lubbers, Charles, Jackson, Christina M., and Prinsen, Thomas J., What Does The Integrated Marketing Communication Trade Literature Say About The Millennial Generation?”. Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, Orlando Fl. (March 27, 2015)
- Lubbers, Charles, Internships in Public Relations. Presented at the Twitter-Chat (February 2015)
- Lubbers, Charles, I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours: Internship Advisors Share Internship Program Assessment, Protocol, and Issues . Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Montreal, QC. (August 09, 2014)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Fall, Lisa, Understanding the Millennial Generation. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Montreal, QC. (August 06, 2014)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Joyce, Teddi, Motivate to Participate: Promoting Campus Activities to Increase Student Participation. Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, San Diego. (April 11, 2014)
- Jackson, Christina, and Lubbers, Charles, Can Advertisers Reach Millennials on Radio? - Millennial Radio Preferences. . Presented at the IABD-Annual Conference, San Diego. (April 10, 2014)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Bourland-Davis, Pamela , Assessing the Research Baseline Provided in Campaigns Texts. Presented at the SSCA-Annual Conference, New Orleans. (April 04, 2014)
- Lubbers, Charles, A Segmentation Analysis to Determine IMC Information Source Usefulness for Travelers in Different Age Cohorts. Presented at the AEJMC-Annual meeting, Washington D.C.. (August 2013)
- Lubbers, Charles, Wanted: Public relations educators. Presented at the PRSA-2013 Midwest District Conference, Omaha NE. (July 2013)
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles, Branding America: Encouraging millennium generation travelers to visit the United States. . Presented at the Annual Global Research Conference, Charlotte NC. (April 2013)
- Lubbers, Charles, Fall, Lisa T., and Christen, Scott A., Identification of Terms for Branding the United States. Presented at the IABD- Annual Conference, Atlanta. (April 2013)
- Joyce, Teddi, and Lubbers, Charles, The Role of Information Source, Scheduling and Interest in Game Day Activities on Attendance of Collegiate Sporting Events. Presented at the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Atlanta. (April 2013)
- Bourland-Davis, Pamela G., Lubbers, Charles, and De Santo, Barbara, Internships and Site Supervisor Reflections on Mentoring. Presented at the SSCA-Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. (April 2013)
- Lubbers, Charles, and Fall, Lisa T., Tenacious Tweeting, Bellowing Blogging, Fanatical FaceBooking, Yappy YouTubing: Using Industry Cases as Teaching Tools. Presented at the AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicaco. (August 09, 2012)
- Lubbers, Charles, Bourland-Davis, Pamela G., and DeSanto, Barbara, An Exploration of Public Relations Internship Site Supervisors' Practices. Presented at the IABD-Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. (April 20, 2012)
- Lubbers, Charles, Faculty Consultants: Conflict of Interest, Intellectual Property and other Policies. Presented at the IABD-Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. (April 20, 2012)
- Lubbers, Charles, Anticipating Professional Needs with Internship Feedback on Assessment. Presented at the AEJMC Annual Conference, Boston. (August 2011)
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles, Travelers’ Perceptions of the State of Tennessee. Presented at the IABD Annual Conference, New Orleans. (April 2011)
- Lubbers, Charles, , Denver, Co, USA. (August 2010)
- Fall, Lisa T., and Lubbers, Charles, Travelers’ Selection of Attractions and Activities . Presented at the Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (April 2010)