Leap Into Giving: USD to Celebrate 24-Hour Fundraising Challenge Feb. 28-29

The sixth annual Unite for USD celebration begins at noon CST on Wednesday, Feb. 28, and ends at noon CST on Thursday, Feb. 29.
“I am continually amazed by how the Coyote family comes together to empower our students and support campus initiatives during Unite for USD,” said University President Sheila K. Gestring. “Unite for USD is an exciting time to highlight all the wonderful things happening at USD, many of which would not be possible without the generosity and support of our alumni and friends."
USD launched its first giving day in 2019 to raise awareness and funds for programs and initiatives across campus and expand opportunities for students. The number of donors has more than doubled from 853 in the first year.
Donors can give to USD's undergraduate colleges and professional schools, scholarships, athletics, the on-campus food pantry and spirit teams, among many other initiatives. There is a cause for everyone to support during Unite for USD.
The Coyote Beginnings Scholarship, which makes higher education more accessible to a broad range of deserving students, many of whom face financial barriers that place college out of reach, is a priority initiative for this year's Unite for USD. This scholarship follows students throughout their academic journeys, empowering them to explore their passions, pursue their dreams and make a difference in their decided fields.
Last year during USD’s fifth annual giving day, March 1-2, 2023, 2,042 donors made 2,830 gifts, raising a record $1.938 million. This year, donors can choose from over 50 initiatives to support across campus.
Learn more about this year’s Unite for USD and sign up to be a Giving Day Champion.