Wei worked with USD professor Dongming Mei on her thesis titled “Advanced Germanium Detectors for Rare Event Physics Searches.” Her work will provide critical knowledge in developing the next generation of ultra-sensitive germanium detectors for the planned experiments at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota.

Wei completed her Bachelors in Computer Science from Central China Normal University and obtained a Masters degree in Physics from USD in 2014. According to Wei, “The Ph.D. in Physics at USD is very rewarding and it provides not only a unique crystal germanium crystal growth facility and broad connections with world-class research collaborators, but also educates and trains students with all critical skills including initiative, tenacity, flexibility, interpersonal skills, organization, and communication.”

“Dr. Wei was able to publish five papers as the first author and a few papers in the authorship with collaborators in pursuing her degree at USD. Her achievements have warranted her a couple job offers," said Mei, director of USD’s Center for Ultra-low Background Experiments at Dakota (CUBED), and the principal investigator of a recent $4.35 million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation.

Wei’s Ph.D. represents the beginning of a new era of physics higher education in South Dakota, strengthening the South Dakota workforce in science and technology.

USD’s physics department is a global leader in dark matter and germanium research, collaborating with scientists all over the world on experiments at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.

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Hanna DeLange
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