The first event, titled “Afrikaans Arts Songs,” begins Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Colton Recital Hall in the Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts. Free and open to the public, the event will feature Bester and Ihde in a live musical performance. The pair will also host a voice masterclass lecture the following day for USD students.

Bester holds the DMA degree and artist certificate from the University of North Texas and received his MM in voice from Southern Methodist University. He made his professional debut for Pro Musica Theater in South Africa in 2005. European performances include the Amalfi Coast Festival in Italy.

Ihde is currently an assistant professor of piano at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, where she teaches class piano and collaborates frequently with faculty and students. She received a DMA in collaborative piano with a minor in opera coaching from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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