Yankton Sweeps USD Science Olympiad
As a result of their victories, the Yankton Middle and High School teams have been invited to participate in the National Science Olympiad Tournament at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio May 19-20.
For more information about South Dakota Science Olympiad, please visit their website or contact Clark Bennett, state science olympiad director: sdscienceolympiad@usd.edu or 605-658-5973.
Full Results
1st Place: Yankton Middle School, Coaches: Brooks Schild and Tom Merrill.
2nd Place: Sacred Heart Middle School, Coach: Rebecca Peterson.
3rd Place: Dakota Valley Middle School, Coaches: Amanda VandeVegte and Miranda Arnold.
4th Place: Mickelson Middle School, Coach: Christopher Mitchell.
5th Place: Vermillion Middle School, Coach: Audrey Job.
6th Place: Elk Point-Jefferson Middle School, Coaches: Angela Peirce and Nicole Pribil.
7th Place: George McGovern Middle School, Coaches: Jill Selchert and Amy Miller.
8th Place: Spearfish Middle School, Coaches: Tom Mead, Josh Wangeman, Leslie Wangeman and Mindy Coslet.
1st Place: Yankton High School, Coaches: Robert Medeck and Brooks Schild.
2nd Place: Dakota Valley High School, Coaches: Sarah Wonders and Mary Shuey.
3rd Place: Brookings High School, Coach: Kelly Riedell.
4th Place: Elk Point-Jefferson High School, Coaches: Angela Peirce and Nicole Pribil.
5th Place: Todd County High School, Coaches: Felicia King and Marjorie Blare.
6th Place: Lincoln High School, Coach: James Jarovski.
7th Place: Little Wound High School, Coaches: Jesus Fuentes and Jonathan Wenger.
T-8th Place: Tea Area High School, Coaches: Travis Ehrisman and Elizabeth Pitcher.
T-8th Place: Madison High School, Coach: Dawn Wiebers.