Sponsored by the USD Department of History, the Native American studies program and Phi Alpha Theta, the national honor society in history, the conference hosted 40 graduate and undergraduate students from seven colleges and universities throughout the region who presented or commented on papers.

The prize-winning students and their papers according to category are as follows.

United States History

Ashley Aldabute, Creighton University
“Homosexuals, Hemophiliacs, Heroin Users, and Haitians: Exploring the Categorial Underpinnings of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic”

World History

Michelle Arnold, Morningside University
“’Unyielding, Faithful, and Responsible Heroines:’ The Underrecognized Contributions of Vietnamese Women to the War Effort”

Graduate Division

Jacob W. Clauson, North Dakota State University
“Agricultural Homogeny on the Northern Prairie”

The students received certificates and book prizes courtesy of Phi Alpha Theta.

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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