As an intern in Johnson’s office, Streeter gives Capitol tours to constituents, writes memos for meetings and helps the office staff in any capacity he can. Of all these duties, Streeter, a rising senior studying political science and psychology, said the thing he enjoys the most about his summer internship is interacting with people.  

“My favorite part of the internship is meeting people from across the country as well as giving tours to South Dakota residents,” Streeter added.

South Dakota is a common theme in Streeter’s internship, as both Johnson and his chief of staff, Andrew Christianson, are alumni of the University of South Dakota.

“Moving to South Dakota has been one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve ever made,” said Streeter. “I discovered this internship when Andrew came to USD to talk about the internship program. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to work in D.C. for Dusty’s office. It’s been the opportunity of a lifetime, and I’m glad I can further discern my career, research policy and help constituents.”

Another key figure in helping Streeter land this internship was Professor of Political Science Eric Jepsen, Ph.D.

“Professor Jepsen was instrumental in helping me apply for this internship,” said Streeter. “Also, the classes I have taken provided me with a good understanding of the legislature, allowing me to hit the ground running when I started.”

After he graduates, Streeter plans to attend law school. While undecided on what he’d exactly like to pursue in the field of law, Streeter said he was drawn to the profession because he has witnessed attorneys supporting people in his own life and hopes to “help people in the same manner.”

Through this internship, Streeter said he has developed a better understanding of politics and law, putting him one step ahead in his future pursuit of a degree in law.

“This internship has helped me better understand the political arena and how to draft and pass legislation and has helped me see how the office interacts with constituents and interest groups,” Streeter said. “Being in the environment every day is a much more valuable learning experience as compared to reading about how Congress works.”

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