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- Beth Boyd
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My academic activities have focused on training culturally competent clinical psychologists and developing culturally responsive mental health services for Native American communities
My teaching interests include: PSYC 460: Psychological Perspectives on Diversity; PSYC 658: Serving the Diverse Community in Disaster; PSYC 779 Child Psychopathology; PSYC 781: Child & Family Psychotherapy; PSYC 786: Seminar in Professional Development; PSYC 701: Seminar in Ethics & Professional Issues
As a faculty member in the USD Disaster Mental Health Institute since 1993, I have responded to numerous national and international disasters and crisis situations, particularly in Native American communities. My work with tribes has focused on crisis response team development, youth suicide prevention, community healing and empowerment, and human resource development. I am skilled in both qualitative and quantitative culturally competent methodology and have served as a research consultant to a number of tribes or tribal groups. As I am a strong proponent of community-based participatory research, my research activities tend to be tribal community-initiated projects--this often includes community needs assessments and evaluation of tribal programs.
- Ph D, Clinical Psychology, University of Houston, 1992
- MA, Clinical Psychology, University of Houston, 1988
- BA, Psychology, University of Houston, 1984
- Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician, National Register
- South Dakota Certified Emergency Medical Technician, South Dakota
- Licensed Psychologist - Nebraska, Nebraska Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Licensed Psychologist - South Dakota, South Dakota Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- University of South Dakota Graduate Psychology Education Program (USD-GPEP), Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA), (2022 - 2025)
- Developing Institutional Appreciation of Diversity, USD Bush Foundation Development Grant1995)
- Developing Institutional Appreciation of Diversity: Phase II, USD Bush Foundation Development Grant1995)
- 7th Annual Multicultural Mental Health Conference on Children & Families: When Cultures Connect- When Cultures Collide, USD Faculty Development Grant1993)
Citations listed below are presented in a standardized, modified format for display purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the preferred style and conventions of the faculty member or discipline.
- Boyd, Beth, Niemann, Yolanda F., and Bazemore-James, Corianne M.. Mental Health Intervention with American Indian and Alaska Native People. In Clinical Psychology in Communities of Color: Integrating Research and Practice, editors Frederick T. L. Leong, Guillermo Bernal, NiCole T. Buchanan. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, Division 45 Book Series, 2024.
- Bazemore-James, Cori, and Boyd, Beth. Decolonizing campus spaces to include mixed-race Indigenous students. In Special Issue: Beyond the Box: Connecting Multiracial Identities, Oppressions, & Environments, editors Victoria K. Malaney-Brown, Lisa Delacruz Combs, Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero, 9-13. Vol. 2021, Iss. 174 New Directions for Student Services, Wiley Periodicals, LLC, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.20382 )
- Boyd, Beth, and Hunsaker, Ryan. Cognitive Behavioral Models, Measures and Treatments for Stress Disorders in American Indians and Alaska Natives. In Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Ethnic and Racial Groups: Cognitive Behavioral Approaches, editors E.C. Chang, C.A. Downey, J.K. Hirsch, & E. A. Yu. Washington, D.C.: APA Books, 2018.
- Boyd, Beth. Guide to Cultural Awareness for Disaster Response Volunteers. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association Disaster Resource Network, 2018.
- Boyd, Beth. Supervising Trainees Working in Small Communities. In Casebook in Multicultural Clinical Supervision: Models, Lenses & Applications, editors J.E. Manese & T. Burns . San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2018.
- Boyd, Beth, Caraway, S. J., and Niemann, Yolanda F.. Surviving & Thriving: A guide for members of marginalized groups in academia., Editors B. Boyd, S.J. Caraway & Y. Flores Niemann. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2017.
- Garcia, Melinda A., Morse, Gayle S., Trimble, Joseph E., Boyd, Beth, Casillas, Denise M., and King, Jeffery . A partnership with the people: Skillful navigation of culture and ethics. In Healing Turtle Island: Integration of indigenous and western healing in counseling and psychotherapy. Toronto, Ontario: Routledge, 2016.
- Boyd, Beth. Community-based Psychological First Aid with marginalized communities. In Community-Based Psychological First Aid: A practical guide to helping individuals and communities during difficult times, editors Gerard Jacobs. Waltham, MA: Elsevier, 2016.
- Trimble, Joseph E., Casillas, Denise, Boyd, Beth, and King, Jeffery. Listening to the voices of the People: The psychosocial influences and consequences of research in ethnocultural communities. In Social issues in living color: Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology. Praeger Books, 2016.
- Boyd, Beth, and Gunsolley, Hitomi. Disaster survivors: Counseling implications. In Handbook of Multicultural Counseling, editors Ponterotto, J., Casas, M., Suzuki, L., & Alexander, C.. Iss. 4th Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2016.
- Boyd, Beth. Counseling survivors of disaster. In Counseling Across Cultures, editors Pederson, P.B, Draguns, J.G., Lonner, W.J. & Trimble, J.E.. Iss. 7th Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2016.
- Boyd, Beth. Native American communities affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. In The Dialogue, 22-24. Vol. 11, Iss. 3-4 The Dialogue, SAMHSA Disaster Technical Assistance Center, 2015.
- Boyd, Beth. Sharing Our Gifts. In Presumed Incompetent, editors Gutierrez y muhs, Niemann, Yolanda Flores, Gonzales, Carmen, & Harris, Angela. Logan, UT: Utah State University, 2012.
- Boyd, Beth. American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian People.. In Education and training from ethnic/culture-specific perspectives., editors Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009.
- Boyd, Beth. APA Presidential Task Force on PTSD and Trauma in Children and Adolescents.. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009.
- Gordon, D. M., Iwamoto, D., Ward, N., Potts, R., and Boyd, Beth. Mentoring Urban Black Middle-School Male Students: Implications for Academic Achievement., 277-289. Vol. 78(3) Journal of Negro Education, 2009.
- Suyemoto, K., Boyd, Beth, Hall, C., and Sanchez-Johnsen, L.. Multiracial people in the context of specific racial minority groups.. In Education and Training from ethnic/culture-specific perspectives.. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009.
- Boyd, Beth, Quevillon, Randy, and Engdahl, R.. Working with Rural and Diverse Communities After Disasters.. In Crisis and Disaster Counseling: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina and Other Disasters., editors Dass-Brailsford, P.. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2009.
- Boyd, Beth, and Thin Elk, G.. Indigenous perspectives on healing.. In Communique: Psychology and racism.. Washington, DC: Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs Public Interest Directorate., 2008.
- Reynolds, R., Quevillon, R., Boyd, Beth, and Mackey, D.. Initial development of a cultural values and beliefs scale among Lakota/Dakota/Nakota people: A pilot study., 70-97. Vol. 13(3) American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 2006.
- Reyes, G., Miller, T. T., Schreiber, M. D., and Boyd, Beth. Children's Services in Disasters and Other Emergencies. In Handbook of Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, and Families, editors R. G. Steele and M. C. Roberts. New York, NY: Springer, 2005.
- Boyd, Beth, and Thin Elk, G. Canku Teca Community Needs Assessment Final Report. Lake Andes, SD: Yankton Sioux Tribe, 2004.
- Dudley-Grant, R. G., Comas-Diaz, L., Boyd, Beth, and Hueston, J. D.. Fostering resilience in response to terrorism: For psychologists working with people of color.. In APA Task Force on Resilience in Reponse to Terrorism., editors APA Task Force on Reliience in Response to Terrorism.. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003.
- Jacobs, G. A., Boero, J. V., Quevillon, R. P., Boyd, Beth, Elliott, T. L., and Reyes, G.. Floods. In Helping Children Cope with Disasters & Terrorism., editors LaGrecca, A.M., Silverman, W.K., Vernberg, E.M., & Roberts, M.C.. Washington, DC: APA Books, 2002.
- Yutrzenka, B., Caraway, S. J., and Boyd, Beth. Critical Events in the Evolution of a Culturally Inclusive, Community-Based Clinical Psychology Training Program., 27-28. Vol. 32 The Community Psychologist, 1999.
- Boyd, Beth. Cultural Issues in Psychopharmacology: Integrating Medication Treatment with Lakota Sioux Traditions., 139-150. Vol. 6 Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 1999.
- Yutrzenka, B., Boyd, Beth, and Caraway, S. J.. Four Winds: The Evolution of Culturally Inclusive Clinical Psychology Training for Native Americans., 131-137. Vol. 11 International Review of Psychology, 1999.
- Boyd, Beth. Ft. Yates Community Needs Assessment Final Report. Ft. Yates, ND: Ft. Yates Community Needs Assessment Final Report, 1998.
- Ginorio, A. B., Boyd, Beth, Yee, B. K., and Banks, M. E.. Surviving and Thriving in Academia: A Guide for Women and Ethnic Minorities.., Editors American Psychological Association Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training. Washington, DC: APA Press, 1998.
- Boyd, Beth, and Thin Elk, G.. Spirit Lake Nation Trauma Team Final Report. Ft. Totten: Spirit Lake Nation Trauma Team Final Report, 1997.
- Boyd, Beth, and Thin Elk, G. Rosebud Casino Project Final Report. Rosebud, SD: Rosebud Casino Project Final Report, 1996.
- Boyd, Beth. Native American Advocacy Project Final Report. Winner, SD: Native American Advocacy Project Final Report, 1996.
- Gordon, D., Hart, P., and Boyd, Beth. The impact of ethnicity on professional development. Vol. 5, Iss. 4 South Dakota Psychologist, 1996.
- Bernal, M., Caldwell-Colbert, T., De La Cancela, V., and Boyd, Beth. Valuing Diversity in Faculty: A Guide.., Editors American Psychological Association Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training. Washington, DC: APA Press, 1996.
- Boyd, Beth. CasinOmaha Interview Project Final Report.
- Straub, H., and Boyd, Beth. Does "Providing Opportunities" Provide Opportunitites?, 5-7. Vol. 16(1) Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 1995.
- Boyd, Beth, Niemann, Yolanda F., and Bazemore-James, Corianne M.. Treatment and intervention with American Indians. In The clinical psychology of ethnic minorities: Integrating research and practice. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.
- Boyd, Beth , Caraway, S. Jean , Niemann, Yolanda , and Fang, Justin . Surviving and Thriving in Academia: A Guide for Members of . Washington, DC : American Psychological Association.
- Trimble, J. E., Casillas, D., Boyd, Beth, and King, J.. Listening to the voices of the People: The psychosocial influences and consequences of research in ethnocultural communities. In Indigenous Mental Health and Healing on Turtle Island: A Multifaceted Approach, editors S.L. Steward, Moodley, R., & T. Beaulieu.
- President's Legacy Award, University of South Dakota, 2022
- Harrington Lecture, USD, College of Arts & Sciences, 2021
- Dr. Duane Mackey “Waktaya Naji” Award, National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center, 2019
- Invited Speaker, Historical Trauma Lecture & Discussion, University of South Dakota, 2019
- Invited Judge for Psychological Science in 3 (PS-in-3) Competition, American Psychological Association, 2019
- Invited Faculty, 11th Annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2019
- Invited Speaker, Columbia University Teacher's College Cross-Cultural Winter Roundtable, 2013
- Invited Member, South Dakota Governor's Work Group on Criminal Justice, Native American Subcommittee, 2012
- Invited Keynote Speaker, University of South Dakota Suicide Awareness Week, 2008
- Invited Member, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Cadre of Consultants for Disaster Technical Assistance, 2005
- Invited Participant, American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education, 2003
- Invited Testimony, The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2002
- Invited Participant, Northern Arizona University, 2002
- Harrington Lecture, College of Arts & Sciences, 2001
- Distinguished Career Contributions to Service Award, American Psychological Association, Division 45, (Society of the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issuses, 1999
- Theodore H. Blau Early Career Award for Outstanding Contributions to Professional Clincial Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 12 (Clinical Psychology), 1998
- Invited Keynote Speaker, Morningside College Indian Awareness Days, 1997
- Invited Speaker, University of South Dakota Matin Luther King Committee, 1997
- Invited Keynote Speaker, Waldorf College, 1996
- Invited Participant, National Institutes of Health , 1996
- Invited Keynote Speaker, University of South Dakota Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society, 1993
- Member, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, 1991
- Cum Laude, with honors in Psychology, University of Houston, 1984
- Member, Psi Chi National Psychology Honor Society, 1983
- Boyd, Beth, Creating Community and Belongingness Among Women of Color Students and Professionals. Presented at the APA Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (August 04, 2023)
- Zare, Sara, Perez, Ashley, and Boyd, Beth, Working to Reach an Emerging Hispanic/Latinx Community in the Midwest. Presented at the Division 45 Research Conference, San Diego. (July 14, 2023)
- Hatwan, Mason, Zare, Sara, and Boyd, Beth, Video Game Addiction as a Moderator of Neuroticism and Distress Regulation in a Sample of Early Adult United States Residents. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (May 25, 2023)
- Boyd, Beth, Responding to 21st Century Disasters: Research, Policy, & Practice for Emerging Challenges . Presented at the 39th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. (January 2023)
- Boyd, Beth, Looking Back and Sharing Forward. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN. (August 04, 2022)
- Zare, Sara, Denu, Yodit, Collette, Bowman, and Boyd, Beth, Cultural humility in times of crisis: A discussion of research ethics.. Presented at the Division 45 Research Conference, Virtual. (July 2021)
- Osmancevic, Azra, and Boyd, Beth, Ethnic Identity, Parental Sacrifice, and Psychological Distress in Bosnian-American College Students. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC (changed to virtual). (August 2020)
- Boyd, Beth, Developing Cultural Competency in Service Provision. Presented at the Minority Fellowship Program Psychology Summer Institute, Washington, DC (changed to virtual). (July 18, 2020)
- Boyd, Beth, Trauma: Staying Connected, Facing Isolation., webinar. (May 21, 2020)
- Boyd, Beth, Historical Trauma: Definition, Impact & Hope for Healing., webinar. (May 20, 2020)
- Boyd, Beth, Mental Health Support for COVID-19., webinar. (April 21, 2020)
- Boyd, Beth, EPPP Outcomes and Test Taking Strategies for Graduates of Color. Presented at the American Psychological Association Graduate Students Committee for the Advancement of Racial& Ethnic Diversity, Webinar. (October 01, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Historical Trauma: Definitions, Impact & Hope for Healing. Presented at the Great Plains Behavioral Health Conference, Rapid City, SD. (September 19, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Meet the Past Presidents. Presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity & Race, Chicago, IL. (August 10, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Buggs, Levenae, Flanery, Hannah, and Waugh, Patrick, Examining Culture and Values in Supporting Underrepresented Students in Higher Education. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (August 09, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Cultural Humility: Psychologists as Advocates. Presented at the 11th Annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology, Chicago, IL. (August 06, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Developing Cultural Competency in Service Provision. Presented at the Minority Fellowship Program Psychology Summer Institute, Washington, DC. (July 27, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Leadership Panel. Presented at the Minority Fellowship Program Psychology Summer Institute, Washington, DC. (July 27, 2019)
- Boyd, Beth, Supervising trainees working in small communities. Presented at the New Horizons in Multicultural Supervision: Models, Lenses, & Applications, San Francisco, CA. (August 06, 2018)
- Boyd, Beth, Presented at the Therapeutic Healing as Social Justice for Native American Women in University Culture, San Francisco, CA. (August 04, 2018)
- Boyd, Beth, Cultural Competency in Services. Presented at the Summer PSI, Washington, DC. (July 14, 2018)
- Boyd, Beth, Cultural Competency in Services. Presented at the Summer PSI, Washington, DC. (July 15, 2017)
- Boyd, Beth, Leadership Panel. Presented at the Summer PSI, Washington, DC. (July 15, 2017)
- Boyd, Beth, Treatment and intervention with American Indians. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO. (August 2016)
- Boyd, Beth, Presented at the National Conference on Race & Ethnicity, San Francisco, CA. (May 30, 2016)
- Boyd, Beth, Flying in the “V”: Synergy and CommUnity Support., Vermillion, SD. (July 2015)
- Boyd, Beth, Ethical considerations in working with Native American children. Presented at the Great Plains Indian Health Service Behavioral Health Conference, Rapid City, SD. (April 2015)
- Boyd, Beth, Coming Home: Behavioral health issues affecting military personnel., Vermillion, SD. (January 09, 2015)
- Boyd, Beth, State of evidence-based interventions with Native American people and communities. In Domenech-Rodriguez, M. (Chair). Scientific equity in clinical science: What’s the evidence that treatments are effective for ethnocultural groups? Progress and challenges. . Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (August 09, 2014)
- Boyd, Beth, Ethnic minority leadership in psychology. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (August 08, 2014)
- Boyd, Beth, Council of Past Presidents. Presented at the 3rd Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity & Race (APA Division 45) Conference, Eugene, Oregon. (June 20, 2014)
- Boyd, Beth, and , Research in Native American communities: Consequences and collaboration. Presented at the 3rd Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity & Race (APA Division 45)Conference, Eugene, Oregon. (June 19, 2014)
- Boyd, Beth, The Purple Turnip: An Exercise of Bridging Communication and Differences. Presented at the Big Brothers Big Sisters National Leadership Summit & Regional Learning Summit, Chicago, IL. (June 18, 2014)
- Boyd, Beth, and Johnson, Jeannette L., Treatment and Intervention with American Indians and Alaska Natives . Presented at the Michigan State University Symposium on Multicultural Psychology, East Lansing, Michigan. (October 2013)
- Boyd, Beth, Suyemoto, Karen L., Ortega-Corbin, Shelby, and Tauriac, Jesse, Resisting “divide and conquer”: Empowering future leaders as intra-minority allies. Presented at the 30th Annual Cross-Cultural Winter Roundtable, NY, NY. (February 15, 2013)
- Boyd, Beth, Keeping the Wisdom and Sharing Our Gifts. Presented at the 30th Annual Cross-Cultural Winter Roundtable, NY, NY. (February 14, 2013)
- Boyd, Beth, Negotiating the Unspoken Rules in Your Institution. Presented at the PSI 2012 – Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Conference, Washington, DC. (July 2012)
- Boyd, Beth, Culturally Based Prevention and Systems of Care Considerations for American Indian Youth and Families. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (August 2011)
- Boyd, Beth, Native American Experiences of Exclusion and Inclusion in Mixed Minority Groups. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (August 2011)
- Boyd, Beth, Teaching About American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian People. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. (August 2010)
- Boyd, Beth, Town Hall Meeting: The State of Ethnic Minority Psychology. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. (August 2010)
- Jacobs, Gerard, and Boyd, Beth, NBSB Disaster Mental Health Subcommittee Recommendations Regarding Vulnerable & At-Risk Populations. Presented at the International Congress on Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia. (July 14, 2010)
- Boyd, Beth, How to Have a Socially Responsible Career. Presented at the Pre-Conference Institute of the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues Inaugural Conference, Ann Arbor, Mi. (June 2010)
- Boyd, Beth, The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues Council of Past Presidents. Presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues Inaugural Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. (June 2010)
- Boyd, Beth, Disaster mental health response in diverse communities. Presented at the Annual Biomedcal Research Conference for Minority Students, Phoenix, AZ. (November 2009)
- Boyd, Beth, New Directions in Ethnic Minority Research. Presented at the Symposium/American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (August 2009)
- Boyd, Beth, Working with trauma patients & family members in disaster situations. Presented at the Aberdeen & Bemidji Area Indian Health Service MIP Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. (August 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Ethnic & Racial Minority Specific Model Strategies for Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of Students of Color. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. (August 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Presidential Program-Treating PTSD in Youth: Lessons from Different Areas of Trauma. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. (August 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Understanding hate & violence in the 21st century. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. (August 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Using our traditional cultural teachings to inform our reserach, education, and training. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. (August 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Presented at the USD New Faculty Orienation/Panel on Civil Engagement (August 2008)
- Jacobs, G A., Quevillon, Randy, Boyd, Beth, and Skillman, G, Incorporating the IASC Guidelines in Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Training. Presented at the International Congress on Psych., Berlin, Germany. (July 2008)
- Jacobs, Gerard, Quevillon, Randy, Boyd, Beth, and Skillman, Gemma, Incorporating the IASC Guidelines in Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Training. Presented at the International Congresson Psychology, Berlin, Germany. (July 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Recognizing child abuse and working with abused children. Presented at the Youth Service Workers at Ho-chunk neenk Chunk Ho Chee, Inc./Winnebago Youth Facility (January 2008)
- Boyd, Beth, Implications for disaster assistance. Presented at the Development & Delivery of Culturally Responsive Disaster Mental Health Services/American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. (August 2007)
- Boyd, Beth, I'm not prejudiced but.... Presented at the Northwest Iowa Community College Diversity Days (November 2006)
- Boyd, Beth, Good intentions are not enough: Lessons learned in the development & delivery of culturally responsive disaster mental health services. Presented at the Disaster Psychology 2006: Culturally Responsive Disaster Mental Health Conference, Rapid City, SD. (September 2006)
- Monteith, R, and Boyd, Beth, An emerging culturally appropriate way of conducting reserach with the Indigenous peoples. Presented at the Innovations in Disaster Psychology 2006: Culturally Responsive Disaster Mental Health Conference, Rapid City, SD. (September 2006)
- Boyd, Beth, Public policy implications of disaster response in communites of color. Presented at the Intersecting Dimensions of Multicultural Issues in Disaster Response: Aging, Disability, Ethnicity and SES- Public Policy Implications/American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. (August 2006)
- Boyd, Beth, Building communit resilience to trauma. Presented at the Santee Sioux Tribe Red Road Conference, Santee, NE. (July 2006)
- Boyd, Beth, Issues from the Hurricane Katrina disaster mental health response. Presented at the Impact of Hurricanes Katrina & Rita on Rural Minority & Multicultural Communities/Rural Minority & Multicultural Health Conference, Reno, NV. (May 2006)
- Boyd, Beth, Split Feather Syndrome: Native American children adopted into White families. Presented at the Woodbury County Foster Parents Banquet, Sioux City, IA. (April 2006)
- Boyd, Beth, Recognizing child abuse and working with abused children. Presented at the Youth Service Workers at Ho-chunk neenk Chunk Ho Chee, Inc./Winnebago Youth Facility (January 2006)
- Monteith, R M., and Boyd, Beth, Disaster among Indigenous women of the Great Plains. Presented at the 6th International Conference of the Woman in the 21st Century, Havana, Cuba. (November 2005)
- Monteith, R, Boyd, Beth, and Quevillon, Randy, Daily Experiences with Disaster and Terror: The Lives of Indigenous Peoples around the World. Presented at the World Conference on Disaster Management, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (July 2005)
- Reynolds, W R., Mackey, D, and Boyd, Beth, Native American Cultural Values & Beliefs Scale: A pilot study of a mental health instrument. Presented at the Geriatric Grand Rounds, Albuquerque, NM. (April 2005)
- Boyd, Beth, The psychological effects of foster care/adoption on Indian children. Presented at the ICWA Conference, Sioux City, IA. (January 2004)
- Boyd, Beth, Psychologica consequences of terrorism in ehtnic minority communities. Presented at the Psychological Consequences of Terrorism & Systems for Response/Institute of Medicince of the National Academies (October 2002)
- Boyd, Beth, Traditional culture and mental health. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. (August 2001)
- Jacobs, Gera, Quevillon, Randy, Reyes, G, Elliott, T L., Boyd, Beth, McCaslin, S, Hiller, M, Boero, J, Johnson-Jimenez, E, and LeBeaux, K, Recent international developments in psychological first aid and psychological support. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.. (August 2000)
- Boyd, Beth, and Thin Elk, G, Disaster mental health issues in diverse populations. Presented at the Innovations in Disaster Psychology Annual Conference, Rapid City, SD. (September 1999)
- Jacobs, Bridget, Quevillon, Randy, Boyd, Beth, Elliott, T L., and Reyes, G, Doctoral program in clinical/disaster psychology. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. (August 1999)
- Clifford, B, Boyd, Beth, Foote, B, Caraway, Jean, Decorah, M, and Pond, D , Pipelining Native students in higher education: Recruitment, retention & training. Presented at the American Indian Higher Education Consortium, Billings, MT. (April 1999)
- McCaslin, S E., Caraway, Jean, Boyd, Beth, and Yutrzenka, Barbara, Behavior and emotional problems of clinic-referred Native American youth. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. (August 1998)
- Boyd, Beth, and Caldwell-Colbert, A T., Prevention in Practice - From theorty to mobilized community efforts. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. (August 1998)
- Hiller, M, Beal, L, and Boyd, Beth, Psychology majors and sample bias in university-based psychological research. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. (August 1998)
- Boyd, Beth, Cumulative trauma in Native American communities. Presented at the Bemidji Area Indian Health Services Conference, Bloomington, MN. (January 1998)
- Boyd, Beth, Ethnic-cultural factors in the pharmacological treatment of mental illness. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Il. (August 1997)
- Somjee, L, and Boyd, Beth, Self-complexity and hyper-competitiveness: It's impact on psychological distress assocaited with multiple roles. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. (August 1997)
- Boyd, Beth, Post-traumatic stress disorders in women and children. Presented at the Bemidji Area Indian Health Services Conference, Bloomington, MN. (January 1997)
- Gordon, D, and Boyd, Beth, The relation between academic achievement and ehtnic and racial identity development for Native American middle and high school students. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (August 1996)
- Boyd, Beth, Developing guidleines on bicultural skills for success in university settings. Presented at the Symposium/American Psychological Association, Toronot, Ontario, Canada. (August 1996)
- Boyd, Beth, Hart, P, Somjee, L, and Stephens, S, Students of Color in Psychology: Issues in the development of an ehtnic minorty student mentoring program. Presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education, San Antonio, TX. (June 1996)
- Boyd, Beth, and Reed-Inderbitzin, D, The SCIP Program: Mentoring Native American students for success in college. Presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the National Indian Education Association, Rapid City, SD. (January 1996)
- Boyd, Beth, Nelson, C, and Dyck, K, Enhancing mood management skills fr prevention of childhood depression. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York City, NY. (August 1995)
- Trott, C, and Boyd, Beth, Friendship expectations of emotionall disturbed children in a residential setting. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York City, NY. (August 1995)
- Boyd, Beth, and Bull Bear, M, Serious mental illness in Indian Country: Developing culturally responsive services. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York City, NY. (August 1995)
- Boyd, Beth, The SCIP Mentoring Program. Presented at the APA Education Directorate Mini-Convention/American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New York City, NY. (August 1995)
- Yutrzenka, Barbara, English, N, Boyd, Beth, Brown, B, Champagne, L, Rognstad, R, Larsen, P, Rickord, W, and Reddick, W, Increasing faclty awareness of racial and ethnc issues: Efforts of a core faculty group. Presented at the 8th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in Amerian Higher Education, Santa Fe, NM. (June 1995)
- Berland, A, Quevillon, Randy, and Boyd, Beth, Managing work-related stress in disaster mental health organizations. Presented at the American Psychological Association/National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Conference "Work, Stress & Health '95", Washington, D.C.. (January 1995)
- Boyd, Beth, Issues in psychological assessment with Native Americans. Presented at the Society for Personality Assessment in 1994 Midwinter Program, Chicago, IL. (January 1994)
- Boyd, Beth, and Rehm, L P., Mood congruent recall in bipolar depression and mania. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (August 1993)
- Rehm, L P., Mehta, P, Boyd, Beth, Bailey, S, and Francis, D, Hierarchical linear modeling: Predicting change in a trial of therapy outcome for depression. Presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Lyon, France. (January 1993)
- Boyd, Beth, Honor or Offense?. Presented at the Student Acitivites Center, Vermillion, SD. (November 1992)
- Boyd, Beth, Native American perspectives of the past, present and future of interactions between the cultures of two hemispheres. Presented at the Spain and the Americas, Vermillion, SD. (October 1992)
- Rehm, L P., Boyd, Beth, Bailey, S, Anderson, C, Cecil, K, Mehta, P, Averill, P, Davis, D, and Sato, R, A clinical trial of Self-Management Therapy for depression. Presented at the Southwest Psychological Assoicaion, 37th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. (January 1991)
- Boyd, Beth, and Rehm, L P., Effect of mood on accessibility of depressogenic cognitions. Presented at the Southwest Psychological Association, 35th Annual Convention, Houston, TX. (January 1989)