Beverly Jorgenson named director of The Us RN-BSN program
Jorgenson served in leadership and management positions at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, S.D., as well as Denver Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colo. She is currently a doctoral student at South Dakota State University pursuing a Ph.D. in nursing.
“Nursing is delighted to recruit someone to the position that understands the South Dakota Health Care systems with strong leadership/ management experience in nursing,” stated Dr. Debra Leners, chairperson of the department of nursing at USD. “The demand for the RN-BSN program is tremendous. We are getting several calls a day and the program was just approved by the Board of Regents on May 13.”
USD should begin accepting students into the B.S.N. program next summer, following approval from the state Board of Nursing.
A photo of Jorgenson is available for download at For more information about the USD Department of Nursing, part of the School of Health Sciences, please visit the department’s Web site at or e-mail [email protected].