Forbes Ranks University of South Dakota Among Top Colleges
USD is on the 2015 list ahead of all other colleges in the Dakotas. It's the top public school and second behind only the University of Denver in the Summit League Conference. And USD is ranked as the top school among those in the Missouri Valley Conference.
"We are excited about the endorsement as the best in the Dakotas, but we are equally excited about where USD stands in our athletic conferences,” said Scott Pohlson, USD vice president of Marketing, Enrollment & University Relations. "Being the best in the Missouri Valley Conference and second in the Summit League Conference aligns well with our strategic plan at USD, which is to be the best small public flagship university in the nation built upon a liberal arts foundation. It is an exciting time to be at USD, and Forbes’ endorsement reinforces why our Coyote Family continues to grow in stature.”
Forbes, which partnered with the Center for College Affordability and Productivity for the ranking, said its methodology focused on what students get out of college, including satisfaction, post-graduate success, student debt, graduation rate, academic success and how each school ranked the past three years.