Forbes Ranks USD Best College in South Dakota
VERMILLION, S.D. -- Forbes ranked USD as the best college in South Dakota on its list of top institutions in each state. The ranking notes that the University of South Dakota is a public research institution that “plays a central role in the state,” citing USD statistics that show 70 percent of the state’s attorneys and 48 percent of its physicians are graduates.
“There are a number of excellent colleges and universities in South Dakota. We are very pleased Forbes considers USD the best in the state,” said James W. Abbott, USD president.
Scott Pohlson, USD vice president of marketing, enrollment and university relations, said that as a public university, USD is in some great company because the top schools in surrounding states include private institutions Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, Grinnell College, in Grinnell, Iowa, and Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota.
“This reinforces what we’ve always believed. USD is a unique public liberals arts university in its size, quality and affordability,” Pohlson said.