Alexander Peterson, a graduate of North High School, is the top winner and one of just eight 2015 graduates in the country to receive a scholarship from eSchoolView, a Columbus, Ohio-based company that creates websites for schools and educational organizations. Its Web Design and Development Scholarship program requires students to create sample Web pages. Students also were required to send along a written essay, a mock budget and show a collaborative effort between the entrant and a pseudo client for a website that has at least three pages.

Peterson earned the top and only $5,000 scholarship in the competition that awarded $1,000 or $2,500 to the seven other winners.

"It is great to see Alexander’s hard work and talent paying off so early in his career through the scholarships he has received. He also received the top amount given by the USD Department of Art on top of the eSchoolView award. Based on his talent, I am sure this is only the first of many achievements we will see Alexander’s design career," said Cory Knedler, chairman of the Art Department.

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