The two-day event provides a compassionate healing environment through culturally-based information and supportive activities for all participants. Red Road Gathering activities are used to de-stress and network as each day starts with a Prayer Walk at 7 a.m. led by Dylan Daniels, a Vermillion High School student.

Both days will feature presentations by nationally- and internationally-renowned presenters and speakers sharing stories of healing and health recovery. The Healing Village, a cadre of complementary and holistic health practitioners from the United States and Canada, is offering their services free of charge at Red Road Gathering. Intertribal Native American drum groups Wakiyan Maza, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and Wohitika, Menominee Nation of Wisconsin will also provide honoring and traditional songs.

To salute veterans of foreign wars, names of casualties from Operation Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom will be honored. Those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan will be remembered along with the names of journalists killed since the conflict began. The Killed in Action and Missing in Action roll from the Vietnam era of South Dakota Veterans is also recited at Red Road Gathering. Readers of the roll are tribal community members, Vermillion community leaders, students, staff and faculty from USD as well as friends and families of those killed or missing in action. The roll call begins as veterans attending the Red Road Gathering carry the Wase Wapka Eagle Staff, colors of the Lakota Nations and the United States flag.

For more information about 2010 Red Road Gathering, including an agenda, or to register, please contact Kathy Husby, USD Alcohol and Drug Studies Department, at (605) 677-7234.

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