“Fat Pig” follows Tom, played by Kevin Kelly of Aberdeen, S.D., a fit, thirty-something professional who falls for Helen, played by Ivory Stahly of Sioux Falls, S.D., a Rubenesque librarian. This budding love story is complicated by Tom’s best friend Carter, portrayed by Reese Porter of South Sioux City, Neb., who mercilessly mocks Helen behind her back, and Jeannie, played by Mary Fitzgibbons of Sioux Falls, S.D., Tom’s on-again/off-again girlfriend. As Tom’s infatuation with Helen grows, their relationship reaches a crossroads when he must choose a direction for their future. Can Tom overcome his Hollywood sensibilities of beauty or will his ego prevent him from being with the woman he loves?

“Fat Pig” features an artistic team composed of four graduate students: David Mancini of Los Angeles, Calif., as director; Kevin Noteboom of Vermillion, S.D., as scenic designer; lighting designer James Hovland of Yankton, S.D., and Megan Parrish of Sioux City, Iowa, as sound designer. Undergraduate student Natalie Friesen of Freeman, S.D., is the costume designer. “Fat Pig,” which contains mature themes and language, features four 7:30 p.m. performances, April 21-24, and a 2 p.m. show on Sunday, April 25. Tickets are $10 for adults, $6 for K-12 and non-USD students with ID, and $4 for USD students with ID. Reservations can be made by calling the USD Theatre Box Office at (605) 677-5400 or by going online at www.usd.edu/theatre.

Download a photograph of Tom (Kevin Kelly) and Helen (Ivory Stahly).

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