The objective of the trip was to provide USD students the opportunity to experience the business and political environments of a different country. Several business and political topics were addressed such as an introduction to international finance and franchising; the Arab League and Arab Economic Community; the Egyptian banking system, including the Central Bank and Egypt’s banking system; foreign trade issues; Arab Stock Exchanges and other areas synonymous with Egyptian business culture.

For a better understanding of the Egyptian culture and the country’s business strategies, USD students visited several landmarks. Students visited Egyptian bazaars, the Pyramids at Giza, the Egyptian Museum, the Sakkara, the Religious Complex, the Mohamed Ali citadel and spent a day in Alexandria. Students from The U were also introduced to the Arabic Language and culture through MUST instruction.

With international business a prospering market, several United States businesses are expanding abroad.  It’s imperative to keep USD students in tune with these trends, according to Gregory Huckabee, J.D., associate professor of business law, and Wade Druin, assistant professor of business and director of the Business Research Bureau for the Beacom School of Business. Both professors traveled to Egypt a year ago to prepare for the trip where they arranged living quarters and business visits, and met with MUST faculty to establish a travel agenda. Huckabee also hosted a reception and a slideshow recapping the trip at his residence.

USD students and faculty had an opportunity to return hospitality to MUST student Andrew Hanna, who was one of their Cairo tour guides. Hanna spent time in South Dakota during MUST’s winter break visiting Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Monument and Deadwood.

The 25 students from USD who traveled to Egypt were Jeremy Ackerman from Canton, S.D., Felicia Barnes of Yankton, S.D., Brett Busch, Katie Cerling, Mikayla Dunfee, Susan Grassel, Daniel Patrick Johnson, Kimberly Jones, Amber Kummer, Jerry Kyte, Seth Pearman, Shane Petersen, Nathan Pease, Andrew Pietrus, Nathon Rentschler, Seth Schonewill, Luke Sharpe, Jonathan Walz and Todd Wheeler of Vermillion, Zach Crago and Ashley O’Hara from Sioux Falls, S.D., Sean Flynn of Mitchell, S.D., Adam Grote of Brandon, S.D., Andrew Gunderson and Ann Schiefen of Irene, S.D., and Amy Petersen of Hermosa, S.D.

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