University Libraries to host legendary exhibit The White Rose
“The White Rose” tells the story of the Weiße Rose, a student anti-Nazi group formed around Hans and Sophie Scholl, students at the University of Munich in Bavaria, Germany, during the years 1942-43. The group wrote, published and distributed fliers denouncing the Nazis’ actions, propaganda and acts of aggression. The group was discovered, tried and its members executed in 1943.
Now, more than 70 years later, the White Rose is one of the most widely known resistance groups in German history. It has been the subject of several books and films. The White Rose Exhibit commemorates the bravery and intellectual integrity of a group of students in the face of political evil and popular indifference.
“The University Libraries are pleased to host this compelling exhibit from the White Rose Foundation,” said Dan Daily, dean of the University Libraries. “As an institution committed to lifelong learning, USD and the University Libraries host exhibits such as ‘The White Rose’ that encourage the critical examination of the past and its ramifications in the present day. I encourage anyone in the area to view this important exhibition.”
University Libraries faculty can facilitate sixth through 12th grade learning opportunities in conjunction with the exhibit, providing hands-on activities in history, social studies, languages and language arts. The University Libraries will also sponsor free screenings of two films that commemorate the White Rose student movement. Both films are in German with English subtitles.
The first film, “Die Weiße Rose,” will be shown at 7 p.m. on April 7 and tells the story of the White Rose movement from the perspective of Sophie Scholl. The second film, the Oscar-nominated “Sophie Scholl,” will be screened at 7 p.m. on April 22 and focuses on the arrest, interrogation and trial of three members of the White Rose group. The films are free and open to the public, and will be shown in the Freedom Forum Conference Room at the Al Neuharth Media Center. Each film will be followed by a discussion facilitated by USD German and Library faculty.
For more information about the exhibit, film screenings, educational opportunities, or to schedule tours and associated programming, please contact Carol Leibiger at, Alan Aldrich at or see