Upcoming Article from USD Law Professor Featured by International Journal
Professor Horton writes and speaks in the area of antitrust law with an emphasis on China. In April, he spoke about the importance of the Seventh Amendment and the right to a jury at the 15th Annual Loyola Antitrust Colloquium sponsored by the Loyola University of Chicago School of Law’s Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies. Earlier in February, he spoke about China’s Anti-Monopoly Laws at the 2015 Santa Clara International Law Symposium: "Critical Global Business Issues: When Theory Meets Practice." Most recently, in May, he spoke about China’s Anti-Monopoly Law and China’s ongoing antitrust enforcement activities in a Capitol Forum Conference Call.
Horton, the Heidepriem Trial Advocacy Fellow, teaches trial techniques and antitrust, and advises the highly rated USD Law School Trial Competition Teams.