This year’s event features a breakfast, Greek open houses, a birthday party with appearances by South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard, USD President James W. Abbott and SGA President Teagan McNary, along with athletic and arts events to celebrate the university’s beginnings.

USD was founded by Gov. William Jayne and the territorial legislature 17 years before South Dakota became a state. USD started out as the University of Dakota. At that time fewer than 1,000 settlers lived in the territory that stretched from Vermillion to Canada and included parts of Wyoming and Montana.

Full Schedule
7:30 a.m. - Founder’s Day Breakfast - MUC - join faculty, students and staff
12:30 p.m. - USD Birthday Party - MUC - Remarks by Gov. Daugaard, President Abbott, SGA McNary
2-4 p.m.- Greek Open House - all Greek chapter facilities
4-6 p.m.- USD Heritage Club Launch Event for retired staff and faculty, Red Steakhouse
6:30 p.m.- Spring Volleyball - Sanford Coyote Sports Center
7 p.m. - Spring Football Game - DakotaDome - tailgating prior to game
7:30 p.m. - Symphony Orchestra and Choral Concert, Aalfs Auditorium, Slagle Hall

Press Contact
Hanna DeLange
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