USD scientists to be featured at SD Biotech Association Summit
Dan Engebretson, Ph.D., director of the 2010 Center for Light Activated Materials and professor of chemistry at USD, and Laura Jenski, Ph.D., vice president for research at The U, will serve as panelists during afternoon sessions of the 2008 summit, which is entitled “Investing in Biotechnology for Life, Food and Energy.” Engebretson is one of four panelists discussing “Life Science in South Dakota, Private and Public Sector: Bio-Medical Science,” a 2 p.m. breakout session that will be moderated by Ronald Lindahl, Ph.D., executive dean of the Sanford School of Medicine and dean of Basic Biomedical Sciences at The U. Jenski, meanwhile, lends her expertise to the topic “Building Biotech Clusters,” a 1 p.m. panel discussion.
In addition to the panelists and breakout sessions, the South Dakota Biotechnology Summit & Annual Meeting includes Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard, who is scheduled to speak during the noon luncheon; a poster session and reception for EPSCoR participants; and a keynote address by Bruce Knight, under secretary with the United States Department of Agriculture.
Registration for the event begins at 7 a.m. For more information about the summit and the annual meeting, including a schedule of events and a registration form, visit: