Part of PBS’ acclaimed history series "American Experience," "We Shall Remain: Episode 5 – Wounded Knee" features the story of the 1973 standoff on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation that captivated a nation for more than two months. On Feb. 27, 1973, more than 200 protestors of Oglala Lakota heritage as well as American Indian Movement activists, demanding redress for grievances, seized buildings on the reservation as police were forced to cordon off the area for 71 days.

"We Shall Remain" is part of a provocative series that examines Native history and its essential role in American history. Hosted by USD's Department of American Indian Studies and the Office of Institutional Diversity at The U includes, the screening, which is free and open to the public, includes Madonna Thunder Hawk, a veteran of modern Native American struggles from the occupation of Alcatraz to the siege of Wounded Knee. A member of the Two Kettle Lakota Tribe, Thunder Hawk is one of the original members of the American Indian Movement. She is also a long-time community organizer with detailed experience in Indian rights protection, cultural preservation, economic development and environmental justice.

A reception is scheduled immediately following the special screening in the ballroom of the Muenster University Center. For more information about the special screening of "We Shall Remain: Episode 5 – Wounded Knee," please contact the Department of American Indian Studies at (605) 677-5209 (e-mail [email protected]); or contact Erin Thin Elk Contreras, Office of Institutional Diversity, at (605) 677-6497 or via e-mail at [email protected].

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