The 600-year-old comic tradition of Kyōgen has survived the centuries in the bodies and minds of the artists who have been living and transmitting it within their families for generations. The lecture-demo will introduce the theatrical genre of Kyōgen, contrasting the type of social satire common in traditional plays, with the more direct, biting political satire of newer post-WWII era plays. The talk will be illustrated with live demonstration and short video clips, as well as offer an opportunity for interactive participation.

The lecture-demo will be 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23 in Farber Hall, followed by a reception hosted by USD’s Center for Diversity and Community. This event is free and open to the public.

Iezzi specializes in Japanese theatre. She spent most of her formative years in Japan, studying various forms of Japanese theatre (Kyōgen, kabuki, noh) and music (nagauta, gidayū, tokiwazu), which she continues to do whenever possible. She received an M.A. from Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Hawaii, where she has been teaching for 16 years.

This residency is sponsored by USD’s College of Fine Arts, Department of Theatre and Center for Diversity and Community.

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