VLP poetry reading slam celebrates Womens History Month
VERMILLION, S.D. -- The Vermillion Literary Project will host a poetry reading and poetry slam on Thursday, March 27 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Coffee Shop Gallery in downtown Vermillion. The poetry reading will feature faculty and graduate students from The U reading works by women writers in celebration of Women’s History Month.
Among the guests reading selections from their favorite women writers, activists and historical figures will be Lee Ann Roripaugh, Amanda Emerson, Michelle Rogge-Gannon, Marcella Remund, Sarah Garelik, Cheryl Walstrom, Catherine Beem and Marcia Kear.The reading will be followed by a poetry slam, which is open to anyone. Poets planning to slam should bring three poems. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. For information on poetry slams, go to: www.usd.edu/orgs/projlit/vlpslam.cfm.