Jim Moran, USD provost and vice president of academic affairs, said students like the longer registration time frame because they can plan for the entire academic year. It also helps departments know what classes need to be offered to ensure students finish a bachelor’s degree in four years, he said.

USD has added several business administration programs focused on entrepreneurism and two other majors to meet demand for paramedics and people skilled in sport marketing & media. Also new this year is a program that allows students to borrow up to $500 for books until their financial aid or other support comes in, so they don’t fall behind, Moran said.

“For our students, with the emphasis on liberal arts education, it’s not just preparation for a career but also for life and contributing to the community,” he said of USD’s goals.

“Leadership, judgment, responsibility, engagement and integrity. We’re seeing some adaptations in our courses and increasing the opportunity for students to study abroad and for service learning, internships and undergraduate scholarship experience. All of these things that create a distinctive education and provide students with a way of thinking and a way of looking at the world that prepares them for citizenship as well as for a career.”

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Hanna DeLange
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