Share your passion with others and who you are as an artist with strong conceptual development, innovative imagery and problem solving skills through strong studio practice, advanced darkroom techniques and exhibition opportunities across the region and nation.
Develop your talent
As a photography student at USD, you will develop skills in traditional film, digital and experimental forms of photography. You will be guided by the only full-time art photographic professor in South Dakota's higher education system with more than 35 years of experience. Together you will explore techniques in photography development, darkroom techniques, printing and creative process. You will participate in class critiques, lectures and demonstrations on critical issues in photography.
Degrees & Offerings
Art: Photography (BFA)
Bachelor’sAs an undergraduate photography student, you will learn the basics of your major through courses such as introductory to advanced print/digital photography, photo materials and techniques, historic emulsions and processes, color photography, special projects coursework and independent study courses which allows you to customize your program of study to match your art interests.
Art Education: Photography (BFA)
Bachelor’sThe BFA in art education is a four-year degree program that prepares you for certification to teach K-12 visual arts or pursue another professional career. This degree is offered in conjunction with the School of Education to ensure that you are equally and comprehensively exposed to the academic and artistic components of the degree. With a specialization in photography, you'll develop skills in traditional film, digital and experimental forms of photography, as well as attend lectures and demonstrations on critical issues in photography.
Program Details
Departments & Facilities

The Department of Art will provide you with unique and applicable real-world experience and connections that enable you to immerse yourself in an environment built for personal and creative discovery.

Our Facility
Here are some of the facilities and resources available to photography students:
- Fully equipped Camera studio: Nikon 3200 Digital SLRs, 8’x 10’ cameras, 4’x5’ cameras, medium format cameras, 35mm single lens reflective cameras
- A large selection of lenses, accessories, LED and hot light kits, analog and digital lab equipment
- Shooting and lighting studio with a high-end strobe system and backdrops
- Black-and-white darkroom with 22 enlargers
- Alternative processes and film developing facility for palladium, wet plate collodion, other historic processes and black and white film processing
- Fully equipped printing shop: Epson 9800 printer, 44” wide Epson 4900 professional printer and 17” wide professional printer

Develop Your Talents
Exceptional Student Work
Students are encouraged to merge their work in photography with other art forms at USD such as community art, interactivity, installation art and more. This process is reinforced through visiting artists, peer interactions and regular exhibitions in the galleries across campus and in the community.