USDs Chamber Singers to release Natures Witness CD
"Nature's Witness" includes selections from the 2009 Chamber Singers, a highly select chamber ensemble comprised of undergraduate and graduate music majors and other select members of the university community. The CD was recorded during the Chamber Singers' spring tour of South Dakota and includes music from Palestrina, Stroope and USD Composer in Residence Stephen Yarbrough, Ph.D., as well as spirituals and folk songs from around the world.
David Holdhusen, Ph.D., director of choral activities at The U, describes "Nature's Witness" as "the Earth being born," transitioning through changes, such as war, which is part of the witness process. "It ends with the rebirth of nature," he explained. "That's where the title of the CD comes from."
Made possible through a donation by Doug and Susan Tuve of Vermillion, “Nature’s Witness” was professionally recorded and mastered by Earsay of Sioux Falls, S.D., during a recording session last March. The CD can be purchased for $15 through the USD Department of Music ( or 677-5721), at The University of South Dakota Bookstore (Barnes & Noble), Nook n’ Cranny and Davis Pharmacy.
For more information about the music department, including music ensembles at The U, please visit this Web site: An image of the CD cover, drawn by USD student John Cox, is available for download at