Student Rights & Responsibilities
OfficeAll members of the academic community share responsibility for maintaining conditions which promote the pursuit of knowledge.
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414 E. Clark St.
Vermillion SD 57069
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The community supports each member's right to study and work in a quiet, respectful, non-violent atmosphere that promotes the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge. Students who voluntarily join the university community assume the obligation of abiding by the standards commonly held by that community. Every student at the University of South Dakota is therefore obligated to assume responsibility for his or her actions, to respect constituted authority, to be truthful and respect the rights of others, as well as to protect personal and public property.
Academic Integrity and Reporting Procedures
The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities has an obligation to uphold the policies surrounding academic integrity as defined by the Student Code of Conduct.
The University's procedures for academic misconduct are outlined in SDBOR Policy 2.9.2. Any questions regarding the policies or procedures of academic dishonesty can be directed to SR.
If you are an instructor who suspects an instance of academic misconduct, please refer to the procedural flowchart below before completing the disposition form via DocuSign. Following the student's signature, the completed form is automatically routed to Student Rights and Responsibilities and both parties will be notified once the instance has been recorded by SRR. An academic consequence cannot be applied by the course instructor until the matter has been fully resolved through either the informal or formal resolution process. This includes course/assignment grade penalties and assignment re-takes.
Any questions regarding the policies or procedures surrounding academic dishonesty can be directed to SRR. Please email [email protected] with the alleged student’s name and ID number if you would like a registration hold placed while investigating academic integrity concerns to prevent the student from withdrawing from your course before the matter has been resolved.
Academic Integrity Flow ChartAcademic Misconduct Disposition DocuSign
If you are currently enrolled in a USD course, you are expected to uphold the expectations of integrity and honesty established within the Student Code of Conduct. This includes students enrolled in dual-credit courses through USD. If your course instructor approaches you with concerns of academic misconduct, you are welcome to contact SRR to request a consultation meeting to determine the best resolution option for you. If you do NOT believe that you violated any course syllabus or institutional policy expectations, it is strongly recommended that you consult with SRR before signing the Academic Misconduct Disposition Form via DocuSign.
Academic integrity is a core value of our university community. In cases of academic misconduct, the university responds with measures that are educational in nature but may become disciplinary in order to uphold these standards. The specific outcomes of academic misconduct violations may vary based on the circumstances, but the following framework is generally applied:
- First Violation:A first instance of academic misconduct typically results in an educational meeting with the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities and an academic consequence, which is typically determined by the course instructor.
- Second Violation: A second instance of academic misconduct will result in disciplinary probation for the remainder of your time at USD, another educational meeting with the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and an additional academic consequence determined by the course instructor.
- Third Violation: A third violation will result in a formal hearing to determine whether formal disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from the University, is warranted. Disciplinary action is in addition to any academic consequence determined by the course instructor.
Each case is reviewed individually, and decisions are made considering the context and severity of the misconduct, as well as the student's prior conduct record. While it is understood that mistakes happen, it is important to understand that academic integrity concerns are taken seriously and to learn from these mistakes as an opportunity to grow as a student.
Student Resolution GuideBy selecting option ‘A’ on the Academic Misconduct Disposition DocuSign, the student agrees to an informal resolution and the conditions outlined on the form, including the academic consequence as determined by the course instructor. By agreeing to the informal resolution, the student is agreeing to responsibility for the allegation of academic misconduct and waives the right to appeal the decision or request a hearing at a later time. Once SRR has received the completed DocuSign form, a copy of the document will be sent to both the student and course instructor via email to confirm the resolution outcome. An academic consequence should not be issued until the instructor has received this confirmation from SRR.
For repeated instances of academic misconduct, additional disciplinary consequences may be applied in addition to the instructor’s academic consequence(s). Any additional sanctions would be communicated to the student. Please see the ‘For Students’ tab regarding an overview of the likely outcomes.
By selecting option ‘B’ on the Academic Misconduct Disposition DocuSign, the student denies responsibility for the instructor’s allegation of academic misconduct and would like to request a formal hearing through Student Rights and Responsibilities in order to resolve the allegation. A formal hearing may be scheduled on the students’ behalf if they do not complete the disposition form by the deadline date or if they are alleged of a repeated instance of academic misconduct. Please see the ‘For Students’ tab for more information.
A formal hearing may also be requested if the student agrees to the misconduct but NOT the academic consequence and would like to complete the Student Academic Appeals Process. The student is able to state that they are “responsible” for the allegation of academic misconduct during the formal process without waiving their right to appeal the grade through the informal resolution process. Please contact SRR to request a consultation meeting before requesting a formal hearing to appeal the academic consequence.
Formal hearings occur via Zoom and are administered by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities unless otherwise designated. A panel consisting of 2-3 faculty members on the Academic Misconduct Hearing Committee will hear the case and will determine the student’s responsibility based upon the preponderance of the evidence standard, or, if it is more likely than not if misconduct occurred. Both the student and the instructor will be asked to provide a statement regarding why they believe that misconduct did or did not occur. Participation in the hearing is optional and voluntary for both parties; however, it is strongly recommended that both participate in order to provide a detailed description to the panel and answer any questions that the panel may have.
If a student is found “responsible” in a formal hearing, the instructor’s academic consequence will be applied, as well as any additional sanctioning determined by SRR (see the ‘For Students’ tab regarding an overview of the likely outcomes of repeated instances of misconduct). If the student is found “not responsible” for academic misconduct, the matter is dropped, and an academic consequence cannot be applied.
Other Forms or Requests
Institutional & Residential Policies
As a USD student, you have committed to the following upon your enrollment:
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Departments & Facilities

Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students works with many non-academic services and programs that are focused on providing student development activities and services that will enhance student learning and success. Included is the USD student handbook.

Opportunity Center
The USD Opportunity Center offers a central connection point for campus resources that are designed specifically for student success.