Employment Resources

Employment and Job Search Resources for Veterans and Military Students

South Dakota Department of Labor

The SD Department of Labor provides job listings for state positions with veteran hiring preference and additional tools for jobs seekers. A SD Department of Labor County Veterans Representative is available on campus each week at the University of South Dakota main campus in Vermillion.

The Department of Veteran Affairs

The VA has a goal to employ veterans as 40% of its work force. The site features a comprehensive skill-matching platform to help you research and apply for positions within the VA.

VA Work Study Program


USAJOBS is the U.S. Government's official program for searching and applying for federal jobs.

USD career services offers many helpful tools for students to build resumes, work on interview skills and search for jobs and internships.

USD Financial Aid Work Study

USD Graduate Assistantships

South Dakota Department of the Military and Veterans Affairs

On-the-Job Training information from the SD Department of the Military and Veterans Affairs.

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