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Medical Education
Health Science Center
1400 W. 22nd St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Welcome to the Office of Medical Education

The Office of Medical Education (OME) at the University of South Dakota (USD) stands on the fundamental of being together in teaching, innovation, and compassion. We strive to model our values of excellence in education, research, and service.

The Office of Medical Education serves as the centralized office committed to providing the M.D. curriculum and educational support for faculty and students including orientation, course delivery, assessment, simulation, course and faculty evaluations, and accreditation. We are a vital resource for our affiliate hospital and clinic sites in providing clinical education to our medical students.


Excellence in
Medical Education

The Office of Medical Education is focused on building student competency in patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice.

Three Pillar Curriculum

Our curriculum is organized into three pillars that span the course of four years.

Three Pillars

Students participate in foundational biomedical sciences in parallel with foundational clinical sciences over the course of the first 18 months. The clinical foundation courses are integrated with two medical foundations courses and eight organ system courses. The grading is pass-fail in the first phase of the curriculum. The Pillar 1 curriculum has been developed with an emphasis on limited lectures, early clinical exposure, active learning, case-based small groups, and high-fidelity simulation.

Over the next 12 months, students participate in seven core clerkships through longitudinal integrated ambulatory experiences interleaved with hospital-based education, formal didactics and a focused rural family medicine block experience. Students are located on one of three clinical campuses – Rapid City, Sioux Falls and Yankton- and in rural communities across the state through the Frontier And Rural Medicine (FARM) Program. The first semester of Pillar 2 is graded pass-fail, while the second semester of Pillar 2 introduces letter grades to allow students to begin to distinguish themselves.

Over the last 16 months, all students complete selected required rotations including two surgery sub-specialty experiences, an emergency medicine rotation, and an acting internship (sub-internship). Students will also participate in a capstone rural family medicine experience during this phase of the curriculum. The remainder of this time students have the flexibility to pursue elective rotations, research, away rotations, and global health experiences. Students can also select from a variety of courses on medical ethics, medical humanities, and health policy. Grading in this phase of the curriculum is based on letter grades. A transition to residency course and a professional development course serves as the final requirements in the M.D. program.

Pillar 3 schedules vary per student. Students can make their own schedule but attached are two different draft Pillar 3 schedules.

Department Resources


Sydney Bormann

Success story Sydney Bormann.
What I love about USD is the welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Faculty are committed to our success and there is a genuine sense of collaboration. Graduates consistently have competitive board scores and successfully match into all specialties. As a South Dakota native, USD feels like home. The experiences I have had as a medical student at USD have made me even more passionate about practicing in SD after residency. A unique aspect of USD is the various campuses across the state. Having multiple sites gives students the ability to tailor their medical education to their specific career goals. We get hands-on experience and the opportunity to work closely with clinical faculty as early as our first year. USD offers opportunities to get involved – volunteering at student run clinics, working with faculty on research projects, serving in class leadership roles, or attending interest group meetings led by upperclassmen, there's no shortage of opportunities to pursue their passions.

Sydney Bormann

USD SSOM Class of 2024

A FARM Program research process.

FARM Program

As part of Pillar 2, our students have an opportunity to practice medicine in rural areas for 9 months. Our Frontier And Rural Medicine (FARM) program helps to promote the number of physicians wanting to practice rural medicine in South Dakota.

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A scholar's day presentation in progress.

Scholarship Pathways Program

The Scholarship Pathways Program (SPP) is an opportunity over the full duration of medical school for research and presentation opportunities. Students have an opportunity to be awarded extra funds toward tuition, as well as funds towards travel and materials to present their research.

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Students in the Parry Center studying.

Parry Center for Clinical Skills & Simulation

The Parry Center is an advanced clinical environment that allows for state-of-the-art simulation for real-patient experience. Students can learn in a safe and effective environment that fosters collaboration and hands-on experience prior to real-world patient encounters.

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The entrance of the Wegner LIbrary.

Wegner Health Sciences Library

As South Dakota’s premier medical library, The Wegner Health Sciences Library supports health care, education, and research for the medical school and partner organizations.

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Exterior of the Sanford School of Medicine Building in Sioux Falls.


Assessment of students at the Sanford School of Medicine (SSOM) takes many forms and is integrated into the education process throughout the three pillars of the curriculum. Assessment can be formative or summative with objectives derived and mapped from the six medical student competency domains SSOM follows. Students are assessed during courses and clerkships through quantitative (NBME subject examinations, OSCEs, written exams, attending assessments) and qualitative (written or verbal feedback) methods.

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

The purpose of the Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is to provide a standardized educational assessment for medical students as a means of teaching, expanding and assessing clinical competencies.  This is done through a variety of common medical cases that allows for both formative and summative assessments. The OSCE allows for students to understand, develop, practice and master the skills necessary to being physician, including, but not limited to history taking, physical examination skills, critical thinking skills, medical decision making, communication and resource utilization. Studies have shown that this is a valid method to assess clinical skills and competencies that are fundamental to the practice of medicine.

An OSCE in process.

The Pillar 2 OSCE curriculum consists of three time points:

1. A formative session at the beginning of Pillar with an introduction to the Pillar2-OSCE, telemedicine, EBM, and additional case categories,

2. A formative (ungraded) examination held in Sioux Falls in the Summer,

3. A summative (graded) examination held in Sioux Falls in the Fall.

The OSCE examinations consist of clinical stations utilizing standardized patients and/or simulators and covers a range of common medical conditions affecting various age groups and genders.  Interpretation of radiographs, EKGs, and other tests may be included as a separate station.  Competency skills assessed in detail include patient care, medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, and professionalism.

OSCE stations are monitored by trained observers who score student performance on history taking, physical examination, information sharing skills, and interpersonal skills.  The graders use an approved grading rubric for each station to score student performance. OSCE stations are followed by a post encounter activity, which is typically documentation of a patient progress note.  Interpreting findings or answering quiz questions can also be expected.  The post-encounter activities are also graded.  The standardized patient evaluation of student checklist scores are also part of the interpersonal and communication skills competency course grade. The scores for each component are combined and the student is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Successful completion of the OSCE is required for graduation from the USD SSOM.  Therefore, participation in the Formative and Summative OSCE activities is mandatory.

An OSCE in process.

The OSCE is helpful in preparing students for medical practice and reflects the clinical curriculum at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine. It allows an opportunity to foster learning through practice and feedback to nurture clinical skills and medical decision making. It also helps us to assess and ensure our students are competent in their communication skills with patients and families as well as utilizing their medical knowledge to make medical decisions that are in best practice while being mindful of resource utilization. 
Current trends show that since the removal of USMLE Step 2 CS, various residency programs are implementing OSCE-like activities as part of their curriculum to assess competency.  The OSCE plays an important role in the assessment of medical students’ abilities and their clinical competence as they prepare for future clinical practice.

The OSCE historically was used as a preparatory tool for the USMLE Step 2 CS. With this evolution in the purpose of the OSCE, USD SSOM has looked to stay innovative with delivery of this assessment. We continue to explore new and exciting ways to provide clinical medicine experiences to our students.  This includes implementation of tele-medicine, focus on case presentations to attendings and consultants, utilization of interpreters, use of AI in documentation, focus on patient centered care with kindness and much more. 

SSOM faculty and staff with special knowledge and interest in clinical skills assessment formed a committee that is charged by the Office of Medical Education to plan, design, and implement all activities necessary to conduct the OSCE. The committee meets monthly. 
Please contact the individuals below with questions about the OSCE.

  • Donella Herman, MD MEd, Associate Professor, OSCE Director and Committee Chair
  • Angie Tuffs, Administrative Support

Meet the department

Get to know the faculty and staff in the Office of Medical Education. Our team are experts in their fields, contributing research and scholarship in health care and leadership.
Bio Image for Faculty Member Benjamin Aaker

Benjamin Aaker

Interim Associate Dean, Medical Education
Bio Image for Faculty Member Lori Hansen

Lori Hansen

Senior Academic Dean
Bio Image for Faculty Member Alan Sazama

Alan Sazama

Assistant Dean, Pillar II Director
Bio Image for Faculty Member Byron Nielsen

Byron Nielsen

Clinical Professor / Pillar 3 Director
Bio Image for Faculty Member Bruce Cuevas

Bruce Cuevas

Associate Professor


Pillar 1 Director, Pharmacology
Bio Image for Faculty Member Rebecca Lustfield

Rebecca Lustfield

Evaluation & Assessment Spec
Bio Image for Faculty Member Jaymi Russo

Jaymi Russo

Eval & Assess Specialist

Cole Tessendorf

Success story Cole Tessendorf.
Not only is the curriculum top-notch, but I was blown away by all the options for extra-curricular involvement. The amount of clinical experience, networking, and medical knowledge I've gained is unmatched, and I am so happy that I chose to attend medical school at USD.

Cole Tessendorf

USD SSOM Class of 2025