The old main lawn.

University Senate

The USD University Senate is the faculty representative body for the University of South Dakota. The Senate has the responsibility to act as the voice of the faculty and helps to oversee university curriculum, student organizations and provides recommendations for graduation among other duties.

The senate and its leadership are in regular contact with representatives of the administration and serve on numerous university committees. These duties are performed within the scope of state law and Board of Regents policy.

Composition of the Faculty

The president, the academic deans, professors, professors emeriti, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, assistant librarians, associate librarians and librarians shall constitute the faculty of the University of South Dakota. Any person having academic tenure, not otherwise qualified, shall be considered a member of the faculty.

The university senate represents the faculty with one representative for each 15 faculty members who teach 50% or more, with at least one seat allotted to each college and school as well as the university library.

Faculty Senators

Get to know the faculty who serve as Faculty Senators.
Bio Image for Faculty Member Sara Lampert

Sara Lampert

Associate Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Skip Willman

Skip Willman

Associate Professor


Contemporary Literature
Critical Theory
Bio Image for Faculty Member Nathan Bates

Nathan Bates

Associate Professor of Practice
Bio Image for Faculty Member Ramiro Lafuente-Rodriguez

Ramiro Lafuente-Rodriguez

Associate Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Jing Liu

Jing Liu

Associate Professor


Radiation Detection, Monte Carlo Simulation
Bio Image for Faculty Member Hugh Britten

Hugh Britten

Associate Chair, Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Sandy Mckeown

Sandy Mckeown

Coord-Criminal Justice
Bio Image for Faculty Member Isaiah Cohen

Isaiah Cohen

Assistant Professor


Education, Marriage & Family, Law, & Mixed Methods
Bio Image for Faculty Member Thomas Mrozla

Thomas Mrozla

Assistant Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Lori Costello

Lori Costello

Assistant Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Victor Shonk

Victor Shonk

Associate Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Amy Laursen

Amy Laursen

Associate Professor


Bio Image for Faculty Member Christopher Meyer

Christopher Meyer

Associate Professor


Bio Image for Faculty Member Timothy O'Keefe

Timothy O'Keefe

Dean-Beacom School of Business
Bio Image for Faculty Member Timmi Johnson

Timmi Johnson

Health Science Librarian
Bio Image for Faculty Member Kurt Hackemer

Kurt Hackemer

Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost


19th Century American Military & Naval History
Bio Image for Faculty Member Brennan Thompson

Brennan Thompson

Assistant Professor of Practice, ACP Director
Bio Image for Faculty Member Amanda Bainbridge

Amanda Bainbridge

DNAP Assistant Director
Bio Image for Faculty Member Tallie Cassanova

Tallie Cassanova

Instructor, BSSW Prog Dir
Bio Image for Faculty Member Karen Hebert

Karen Hebert

Assistant Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Amber Evenson

Amber Evenson

Assistant Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Klaus Beckmann

Klaus Beckmann

Associate Professor


Finance - incl Banking
Bio Image for Faculty Member Michael Allgrunn

Michael Allgrunn



Econometrics, Labor Economics, Analytics,Economics/ Managerial Economics
Bio Image for Faculty Member Kari Oyen

Kari Oyen

Associate Professor
Bio Image for Faculty Member Carla Kozak

Carla Kozak



K-12 Special Education
Bio Image for Faculty Member Gregory Brazeal

Gregory Brazeal

Assistant Professor


Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Cyber Law
Bio Image for Faculty Member Scott Druecker

Scott Druecker

Assistant Professor


Educational Faculty
Bio Image for Faculty Member Lisa McFadden

Lisa McFadden

Associate Professor


Cardiovascular and Neuroscience
Bio Image for Faculty Member Victor Huber

Victor Huber




Our work

Learn more about the work of the Faculty Senate below.

Scheduled Senate Meetings

All of University Senate meetings are held in MUC 216, unless otherwise noted. These are our current meeting dates:

  • September 6, 2023 4 p.m.
  • October 4, 2023 4 p.m.
  • November 1, 2023 4 p.m. 
  • December 6, 2023 4 p.m.
  • January 17, 2024 4 p.m.
  • February 7, 2024 4 p.m.
  • March 6, 2024 4 p.m.
  • April 3, 2024 4 p.m. (Meeting at Farber Hall)
  • May 1, 2024 4 p.m.


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